
Where’s UPod on your list? It’s pretty stellar

I win. Also, you’re no fun. How can you get upity about a kids movie from the mid 90s. Keep on jiggling trigglypuff!

So this is where you’ve wandered off too...

So... Have I won then?

You definitely have trouble reading. This was never an argument. You took umbrage with the accepted definition of the term SJW and in doing so decided to become one yourself. I’ve allowed you to do so by building this wonderful stage for you to prance across. I’m surprised you would be so myopic as to believe that

I’m worried about you... Do you have trouble reading? You seem to have missed the point entirely. I take no issue with social justice warriors as the sum of the definitions, but when strung together as a SJW.... It’s a problem. It’s an over eagerness to share an under cooked opinion, basted in over sensitivity, and a

Look at you making such a sweeping generalization. Guess you’re all for putting all middle Eastern immigrants on a watch list huh. How very progressive of you.

Nail, meet head. By George I think it solved the riddle. You have over looked one teensy weency little thing.... Can you guess what it is? I’ll give you a hint.... This isn’t real life, it’s just fantasy.... Remove stick from ass, put down the keyboard, and rejoin the normals. And, because I’m such a nice guy, I’m

You’re absolutely right, Social Justice Warrior as a concept should be a great thing to be, but in reality, as society has defined it, a SJW, is not a positive corner stone of the community. It is a person easily offended by others opinions, who needs to emphatically and repeatedly make that fact known by blowing

Social Justice Warrior

Yeah buddy! Tell the SJW how you feel

Christ. Here you go again. Have a nice cup of tea and relax for a moment. You’re starting to jiggle.

Jeez, look at you getting all knotted up over something that might happen in a month and a half.... Take some deep breaths, the world isn’t out to get you, it doesn’t know you exist.

Slow your Roll SJW.

Take it easy SJW. It’s for Halloween, for children, of a movie that’s going to be a hit. It’s not cultural appropriation, it’s playing dress up as their soon to be favorite character. Lay off the tofu, it’s making you cranky.