
He also clocked Sean Bean in the face with a boat hook when filming Patriot Games. So use a stunt double whenever possible when fighting Harrison Ford, is I guess the lesson to draw.

They'll get around to remaking Sphere eventually.

"Donald Trump said recently he has a great relationship with the blacks, but unless the Blacks are a family of white people, I bet he is mistaken." (Cut to Obama laughing with glee.)

That's my purse! I don't know you!

Is Knopfler the new Abe Vigoda now?

I realize there's a huge challenge in translating long-form novels into long-form tv, but the overall plots of the last two seasons and a half have been pretty…meh?

And you never hear anything about Jeff Berman anymore, either.

"Look, we're not going to be needing a 'sexy chicks room.'"
"Actually it's a Hot Chicks Room."

I thought one of them looked like the bomb maker, so I was thinking they were the terrorists coming to check on or eliminate the survivor, but…that didn't really go anywhere.

The by-the-numbers terrorist plot made me cringe, the line dancing made me laugh, Agents Miller and Einstein made me wonder why all the other characters weren't asking "Where's Scully?", and the denouement with Mulder talking about God made me want to throw things at my television.

Isn't "2010s' Seinfeld" essentially what Mulaney was trying to be?

It's implied that they slept together in the Season 7 episode "All Things," and basically confirmed in Seasons 8-9 that they'd gotten it on for a while until Mulder's abduction and that's the most likely explanation for how Scully got pregnant. The "miracle" is that Scully that been diagnosed after her own abduction

Did he really go out of his way, though? I mean, that Jewish kid literally crossed right in front of him.

While I enjoy a Jon Stewart sermon about Fox News' BS as much as the next guy, if we're going to mine closets the Daily Show's record is full jokes that would be problematic in this context, including making fun of fat people ("Slimmin' Down with Steve") and one Colbert piece in the early Jon Stewart years where they

To each their own. I thought "Chess News Roundup" was great, seemed to get laughs out of the audience. Jon brought the goofy there. I think they're going to need to have people bounce off of him.

The key thing being "work out" though, IMO.

I remember an interviewer (I think it was Craig Ferguson) once asking Tina Fey why she wasn't on Twitter. Her answer was something to the effect that if she had any good jokes, she'd save them for her show. The point being, I don't think you can really expect professional-level comedy bits on a comic's Twitter feed if

Because doing a daily topical late night show is a soul-crushing, nonstop grind. Evidence: Jon Stewart.

As of at least relatively recently he hated Marc Maron's guts, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

It also helps that most people have at least heard of the Daily Show at this point and know what they are in for. In the early years they would literally go "oh, you haven't heard of us? We're a show…on cable…you probably don't get get the channel…"