
In many regions of Italy people don’t pronounce final vowels when speaking dialect. In Naples anyone who says “cappicola” is generally considered at best an outsider, at worst a pretentious twat. And it’s “non mi rompere i coglioni” if you are insisting on standard Italian.

You do realize the way you speak English in America is different than British Received Pronunciation, yeah? You do realize that literally every language does this? It’s called a reflex, which means it’s instinctive. The Sicilian immigrants come over and take their native trends, and in isolation from mainstream

The ironic part is most Sixers fans are ok with what is going on. It’s the people on the outside looking in that care more than the actual Sixer fans. Are they gonna force Kobe Bryant to retire now or force the Lakers to fire Byron Scott? They are worse than the Sixers. No of course they won’t because of $$$$. You

its an improvement to say the least.. after a few days of it coming out i installed it on every pc i own.