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    Why, because she had a ‘good enough’ reason not to have sex? You need to reassess what you’re thinking here and why, it’s easy for any of us to fall into the ‘correct’ rape narratives.

    Neat, I’m in Durham! Newcastle’s really quite big for drugs, most club nights will have people doing dodgy deals in backrooms. At some point you’d probably have to get a number though and either go and collect or have them come to you, both of which are kind of risky as well.

    I thought they did show it onscreen? Either way you’re right, there wouldn’t have been the outcry, but then castration (or the threat of it) is not something men fear on a semi-regular basis and from that point it seems a little like they’re using that visceral fear that most women have, and some have experienced, for

    But they still haven’t actually shown any male sexual assault though..

    They didn’t feel the need to show Ramsey’s rape of Theon though, did they?

    Genius! But too close to Fappy?

    Shit story if you won’t name and shame

    To be fair, she probably thought you should have bought her book...

    HOW did you get out of that?!

    Yeah no actually, talk to any real life woman and she will tell you that she gets ‘you look tired’ comments any time she doesn’t wear makeup.

    “I feel like she’s the only person I’ve seen focus on her looks”
    “I’m tired about reasonably attractive female comedians pretending their ugly”
    Does not compute.

    If YOU can’t can’t think of a reason why someone might like your best friend, maybe she shouldn’t be your best friend?

    I don’t know if this is helpful, but I go through a bizarre switch with my guy and without him. We’ve been together almost two years now and when we’re together I’m giddy; can’t bear for him to leave, am happy and excited and planning our future, it is literally like being drunk. But when we’re apart I just don’t feel

    Well said!

    Citations? any actual facts? or just ignorant assumptions based on your own prejudice?

    This is such a nice exchange, why can't we have more comments like these instead of all the snide and disrespectful ones that usually come with articles about polyamory?

    Hahaa it's so cute how you think students would have more than one knife

    This is a little harsh but I agree with a fee commentors. I have no problem with this lady dressing exactly how she likes and applaud her for doing so, the problem is exactly that the title suggests she IS giving us all advice on how to look good/fashionable, and many of us don't agree with.

    THIS^ I CAN'T EVEN AFFORD NETFLIX THAT ISN'T SCRAPED OFF MY BEST FRIEND. Porn is truly egalitarian in this way.