CJ McNulty

I thought the same, but I think it was supposed to be her being funny rather than exposition.

Comments on AV Club Leftovers reviews have a bit of a history.
Remember the Saroya days? Yikes.

What on Earth are you talking about? How is Davos a jerk? Why was it foolish for her to trust him? Davos and Shireen had a very real friendship. Are you under the impression he had something to do with he death?

You're wrong.

It's the AV Club of 2015. They didn't bother proofreading before submitting.

Urgh. That squeal. Annotating it as "ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo" is being too kind.

What was No Vaseline's subject matter?

"homophobia (not as apparent)"

Loosing? Really?

I don't know who this Andy Greenwald character is, but his wikipedia page is a treat. I've never seen a page so obviously self-written.

It is when half the song is 'nah nah nah'. I like the song, but it's hardly unskippable.

So am I the only one who hated Enlightened and didn't get why the AV Club went absolutely nuts for it?

What happened with Legos?
They used to be simple. Oh c'mon, I know you know what I'm talking about: Legos were simple? Something happened out here while I was insideā€¦ Harry Potter Legos, Star Wars Legos, complicated kits, tiny little blocks. I mean, I'm not saying it's bad, I just wanna know what happened.