
They showed they showed love how they showed just enough skin on the wrist to be sure to show you it was a white burglar,  don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about if you've seen any TV commercial from ring doorbell to the home security systems every burglar breaking in is a white person check out the

While Democrats are busy making up lies about President Donald J. Trump and Russian leaders, they conveniently forget their candidate for President in 2016 is the most corrupt, unethical politician in the history of American politics.

Whoop whoop whoop who cares send all these illegals son-of-a-b**** is right back over that border

all You Trump haters out there posting posting on sites like this and others all you do is you strengthen us we will stick together, I love how you don’t have any message! Do you really think resistance is going to put you in the white house not a chance deplorable stick together

WKRP old sitcom show they had a show about this was called the phone police

As always, I come back to the root cause of all of this......

I think I have had every reason tell these people I don’t want somebody using your dirty ass feet picking up the syrup container and then wanting me to use it

You can bulshit the tourist but I live here! This man has got one of those battery seats and screw Motors inside his bike framing!

2006 SSR , 7,020 miles on it

1. Bill Clinton, Ex Pres. (sexual predator, adultery, perjury, sexual abuse, disbarment, impeachment and fraud/money laundering in Clinton Foundation),

The Clintons dug the swamp, Then Obama filled it and made it thrive, Now Trump is disrupting the ecosystem, and the swamp creatures aren’t happy.

the resemblance is uncanny

If kids aren’t eating the food, and it’s ending up in the trash, they aren’t getting any nutrition—thus undermining the intent of the program.” But common sense isn’t the Left’s strong suit. Control is itsraison d’etre.

My advice to you snowflake is get out of the street the snow plows coming

The Clintons dug the swamp, and filled it......Obama made it thrive.....Trump is disrupting the ecosystem, and the swamp creatures aren’t happy.

if he took a picture of her without her consent and it still legal let’s be sure we remember Stormy Daniels says she has a video of Donald Trump then it’s illegal for her to videotaping our president

Did the article that talks about helping out that consumers by helping them stretch their budget I believe that was a typo it should have been more like stretching out their ass holes

As always, I come back to the root cause of all of this......

I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Democratic-voting community and their culture to our society. And why any large corporations will not be building in your any of the cities that is over ran by a population who doesn’t care to