Funny, because I think the idea of Bowser chugging along hurling shells and fireballs from a Power Wheels sized Mercedes is pretty hilarious.
Funny, because I think the idea of Bowser chugging along hurling shells and fireballs from a Power Wheels sized Mercedes is pretty hilarious.
Heads up, no one gives a fuck.
In general production value of Nintendo is really high, the attention to detail is often unmatched. Same goes for music scores and artwork. Trophies/achievements are a cheap and fake way to give a game extra 'content', and Nintendo thankfully agrees. Narratives can be really enticing and add to a game, for me however…
Totally agree. First it was Obamacare, now it's free-optional extra downloads for a video game that may or may not be only available in Japan. WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN??????????!
I know right? How DARE people complain about FREE Downloadable content that is 100% optional!
All they need to do is release rushed-out, half-assed games and then prioritize paid DLC over bug fixes and everyone will be happy.
Technically nobody will be buying this DLC, considering it's free.
is free tho
I'm pretty sure when this was 1st announced they said it was free.
You're replying to an obvious sarcastic troll.
Schreier: It's no secret that some of Nintendo's policies feel straight outta 1990, from the whole Binding of Isaac religion thing to the lack of cross-buy for 3DS/Wii U. You've criticized some of this stuff in the past — did you try to fight internally to change any of those policies? Why/why not? What happened?
Gizmodo respectfully disagrees.
Really? I thought it was pretty solid for a kid's movie. It was a solid homage to the old animated show, which made about as much sense as the nitpicking that goes on here.
Nope, everyone loved and still loves Saved By The Bell. You must of been more of a Blossom type of kid.
Ignore him. Very little of anything he's said is worth a reply.
Dammit, Rob Liefeld
Sure, let's all miss a guy who mucked up the war in Afghanistan, attacked a sovereign nation, slashed taxes on the wealthy, and facilitated a crippling recession.
Unfortunately they were made good guys because the know-nothing, reactionary, tea party audience members wouldn't stop cheering for them...
Speaking of fire emblem. Watch the trailer where chrom starts attacking. Robin has that final smash glow. Chrom is his final smash.
Sakurai said he's not doing different characters as skins.
And Lucina DOES get NEWCOMER status on the mobile version of the site.
The main site only gives 1 big block and 2 smaller ones at a time to keep the page uniform. 2 Robins don't fit in a square like Lucina does.