
I just can't imagine who would buy this solo? Is someone going to have a Xbox One for a year without Kinect and all of a sudden decide that now is the time for one? It isn't like any company is now going to make compelling software for it since it is no longer bundled. They scammed consumers the first time with the

Some of the best DLC I've ever seen for any game franchise....if it is price right this could be amazing. (Please be 9.99 per pack and add better battle mode tracks!)

I hope you are right. When it was announced I wasn't excited. Watching gameplay from E3 doesn't leave me excited. If I wanted to drive around in a game I'd play GTA or one of the 30 racing sims available. I don't mind if it was some sort of minigameish thing if you want to use it as a quick travel device, but I

Dude I'm right there with you. I've always tried to support the 3rd parties on Nintendo consoles. I wanted to get Arkham Origins on Wii U, but they skimped the online. I bought Assassins Creed 3, but they didn't bring all the DLC. I wanted Rayman Legends so badly, so they delay it until September (great move

I hadn't owned a playstation since the original. I did borrow my brother in laws PS2 though. I went with PS4 this time because of Microsofts idiotic ways early on. I know they've backtracked but just the point they were even thinking of that crap pissed me off. So I'm a PS4, PS Vita (ouch), 3DS and Wii U playing

As a happy Wii U owner, I'm actually ok with this. I purchased a PS4 to play those franchises because we all knew they (PS4 & Xbox) would get the better versions anyway. Even if a company would port to Wii U it would be missing features, online play, not receive DLC or any type of preorder bonus. I purchased

I'm just confused about the idiotic enemy AI. I thought we killed games for having stupid AI? Now because it has a funny box as an excuse we are cool with it?

I don't understand the love. Why would anyone want to play a game were the enemy AI is so stupid as to stare at a box while a guy CLEARLY pops out of it? Obviously it is just way over my head and I'm not understanding the "brilliance" this gameplay option brings to the franchise.

Wow, I thought the reaction to Bayonetta being a Wii U exclusive was bad. Of course, if not for Nintendo there would be no Bayonetta 2, so Square Enix really has no excuse for this move. I'm sure it is just a timed exclusive, but having to wait until sometime in 2016 to play the game is an asshole move though.

Oh ok. Well it did get better with stage selections later. As far as the character selection, it would have been cool to see the newly announced characters, but I do like keeping a few things hidden until it is released. Funny thing with Smash is you want as much information as possible, but still want to be

Really? It is "embarrassingly awful"? I think a game like Aliens Colonial Marines would be embarrassingly awful, Smash Bros is far from that. Maybe you don't like the game for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't make a game awful. I dislike Halo games, I don't go around saying it is awful. Stop with the over

Chrom is most definitely part of a Final Smash. Looks to be part of Robin's final Smash, you hear the classic sound of a Final Smash being started when he starts attacking.

You win the internet today.

I think bad is a strong word for the 3DS version. It isn't amazing, but it is fun. It isn't the developers fault they are saddled with the awful storyline. Wayforward did a solid job with what they were giving. I'm actually hoping Wayforward gets to do another 3DS transformers game that isn't a movie tie in. With

The battery life is truly insane. I love the pro controller.

Amen! I've been thinking the same thing and have wanted to yell this from the highest mountain for a long time.