
It’s a painful loss to accept, but KOJIMA DOESN’T HAVE TO MAKE ANOTHER METAL GEAR!

And the audio plays! I could listen to him all day

Oh my gosh, The Doctor and Doc Brown and Batman on one team in one game!!! I’ll take eight! (Number of copies I’ll buy and my Doctor of choice)

Or it has exactly the right amount of fan service.

If anything I will buy the game and the Doctor Who set and just leave him on my TV in the Tardis all day long.

I want this included.

It says plenty, actually. “We’re done with real games - we’ll stick to printing money with mobile games. Get used to it, that’s how everyone else will do it from now on. Keep sending your money our way. Love, Konami”.

Another reason to like smaller game studios. They can focus on the little things that’ll inevitably give them good press


Konami’s doing a great job of utterly crushing some of the lingering reminders that it can produce quality content. Maybe they should recall and destroy all copies of “Ground Zeroes” just to make sure we NEVER associate them with anything good ever again.

The legacy of this game is more nightmarish than anything I ever encountered in Silent Hill.

It was awful. His point stands.

Well Metal Gear and Silent Hill were the only things that kept me filling their coffers so I’m pretty confident that the way they shafted their fans and customers will help me keep my promise.

As someone growing up playing Konami games since the atar-nes era it really makes me wonder if we’ll see some of those classic ips like castlevania, silent hill etc again.

I’m done with Konami. Phantom Pain will be the last game I buy from them.

Google Fiber, please come take me away from this awful ISP that is Time Warner.......


Thank god this absolute travesty was righted. I can go back to finding the next thing to be insulted and triggered by.

Seconded on the fuck you.

Except HK-47 is also in the second game, and arguably even better.