
“Hey guys, heres a really cool scene that was cut from a game.”
*scrolls down to comments*

Kinda sad FF8 is the red-headed step child of the PS1 Final Fantasies, Esthar was one of those first areas in a game where things felt truly huge. A bustling metropolis that really stood in stark contrast to the modern cities and towns of the earlier parts of the game.

It’s really hard to convey scale in games, even to

Says the guy with the Persona screen name.

I mean, if Nintendo would let me buy their games...

You need science to tell you that people who take pleasure in pretending to kill helpless things might be assholes?

One feels upset when a character they like dies in a piece of media, I would say that I have a right to be upset when the character I am meant to associate with commits repeated and grizzly acts of murder for what is supposed to be my entertainment. It causes a serious disconnect.

Someone who takes, as I said ‘humor and satisfaction’ in such an act. Yes.

I mean, shit, if I am in a chase I am perfectly willing to run over people if need be, but I would not say I take pleasure and joy in watching their bodies flop over my windshield. There is a big difference between apathy and sadism.

I think feeling humor and satisfaction at the murder of innocents, however simulated, might not be an emotionally healthy thing.

Did we forget the poor, hapless, sea captain from the very first level of the first God of War? Who you snatch the key from around his neck and throw him to his death.

I have been waiting for years to see what than man can create when he is not allowed to make another Metal Gear. He has so much potential he can explore now.

"At one point in the demo, Noctis has to sneak behind a giant enemy and follow it to its lair without getting caught."

Aw man, thats the level I look forward to in every game, ever!

Did it really hurt your feelings?

How to post a comment in the least constructive way possible.

I don't think the problem they are talking about is the unintended demographic so much as their superiority complex. Or their tendency to approach you at conventions and harass you because you are wearing a Doctor Who outfit and you try to make clear that laying your hands on a stranger is inappropriate but they just

"You can have Pokemon that were meant to be memorable moments in people's lives within seconds."

Yes, it was truly a heart-warming moment when I loitered around that game stop for 5 minutes to download a Mew.

The game began development in 2006. I think this game is already so far past what could be considered a reasonable development time. Can't blame people for being a little agitated and impatient.

Wait, so a game that has been in development for a decade is guaranteed not to suck when it comes out the other side? Good to know.

Over 9 years is a realistic deadline?

Oooh! Maybe the last 40% will include a girl!

They want the game to cater to their platform? What would give them that idea?

"BioWare somewhat notoriously promised the massive RPG had been "made for PC gamers by PC gamers.""