
This reminded me of the incident with Max Payne (James McCaffrey), when they announced that Max Payne 3 was going to have a different voice actor the fan backlash really turned them around quick. Then again, Rockstar seems to place any value on it's audience.

I'm still a little broken up about Tricia Helfer replacing

You know you are on a public message forum, right?

So your argument is 'They have been screwing us for years anyway, we should let them go a few inches deeper.'?

I can't resell Steam games, however I can play a PC game wherever I want (Excluding a few douchey exceptions from EA and Ubisoft and GFWL) and there is enough competition to allow reasonable prices. Steam does not hold a monopoly on PC games, they simply provide the best service, anyone else is free to sell copies of

"Because I know for a fact that the femur-hipbone ratio never lies about the age, and easily can be used with the Kinect"

And that is...One of the creepiest sentences I have ever read. Did it not feel creepy typing that? I really would prefer my video game system to not examine my sister's femur-hipbone ratio. That

So basically your justification for a system that strips you of all your basic rights as a consumer is that it has a microphone which, admittedly is prone to interference from literally anything in your living room? And they might, out of the kindness of their heart, develop a complex and also somewhat arbitrary piece

Problem is, a lot of people is not everyone. If you want everyone to use your system (And you probably should), you should not put in a system that will chain those people, particularly people in the military.

After all, what the point of dumbing down the games industry so that anyone can pick up any game if you create

If something can go wrong, odds are it will. If your console cannot work unless under ideal circumstance, odds are you are going to have problems somewhere down the line.

If by 'Best thing since DMC3' you mean 'It sold a little over a million copies and is regarded as a commercial failure, likely sending the series back to limbo again like every other major Capcom franchise', then I agree.

New Coke is still kind of a low blow. And anyone in show business knows to not take shots at other actors if they want to keep their reputations. This leads me to believe that it is a ruse, and Hayter is still involved in some capacity.

Giving it a 'try' means shelling out 300+ for a console that has yet to release any worthwhile games.

Seems like if you pay for the game you should be able to play it on whatever you physically can.

Funny, I find a map that is too dense has no variety. The most fun I ever had in San Andreas was just driving around the wilderness, climbing mountains, and just messing around. GTA4 was dense as hell but ultimately there was nothing interesting to do and no places to explore.

Completely understandable, a knee jerk response to another knee jerk response.

I'm actually not a huge PC guy, but I can see consoles are slowly leaving us no alternative but to swich, so hopefully people will have to learn at some point.

By no means, but it is a pretty small price to pay for an investment like this. Far better than dropping 3-4 hundred on a machine that essentially has it's higher functions removed.

Man, I forgot it was the internet, where an offhanded remark can really piss a lot of people off for no good reason.

600 bucks is expensive these days?

Oooh! Maybe i'll pick up Mass Effect 3 again and try out the multiplayer!

So her point is to state the obvious? Glad she is there to do that for us.

Michael fixes everyone else's problems because he has no way to handle his own life. He is adept at cleaning up other peoples messes, but once that is taken away from him, he becomes as much of a screw up as everyone else.