
Usually I am pretty gung-ho about relations between developers and gamers, and how there should be a deeper connection between the two. However, I really appreciate Levine's honesty. It's a sign of good faith on his part and honest communication is more meaningful than pandering. If he had tried to spin it or try to

Yes, I am perfectly aware of that. I am just observing that while evolution has tended towards complexity, that complexity leads to disorder, so its silly to argue that we are more ordered beings than we used to be, as creationists have done.

Lets not forget Christine Chapel

Regarding the second law of thermodynamics. Three billion years ago there was nothing but a bunch of single celled organisms. They consumed nutrients, reproduced asexually, and died. Beyond that they had absolutely no impact on anything at all. A nice, simple, clean form of existence.

...I don't think you know what Star Trek is about. The characters and ship are a backdrop to what is a show about ethics and morality. Often a villain is not necessary. The story should be of the utmost importance and the story has not been discussed at all.

Shows they have very little respect for what is a concerned fanbase. Its not good to just tell people nothing about what a movie is about. Makes them feel there is little substantial to say. The impossibly generic movie poster is not a vote of confidence either.

One synopsis and one poster later and nobody has an idea what or who the movie is about. Good job J.J.

I like the irony that is Baltar's life. He destroys his relationship with his family in order to escape the fate of running a farm for the rest of his life. He pursues this great scientific career, becomes fantastically rich and famous, and he winds up fucking it all up because he thinks with his dick. Then he

Think that might be a problem with the console or the controller. Mine works just fine.

Actually, one of the great things about the PS3 was that it was completely non-proprietary. Its the Xbox that keeps pulling this shit. The PS3 is compatible with pretty much any hard drive you want to swap into it. You can buy any old mini usb cord to charge your controller, and it supports both memory cards and flash

As someone who genuinely would want to buy a Vita, its a pretty miserable failure of a system. I really cant justify sinking several hundred bucks so I can play Persona 4 again. It needs good games, and nobody is buying it. If you don't see this you are seriously deluding yourself.

The paths of the dead scenes completely remove all tension from the battle and, to top it off, are really cheesy in an Indiana Jones way. We keep getting reminded Aragorn is coming so when he shows up with the dead it isn't a big moment like it is in the original cut. Furthermore the Houses of Healing, the Palintir,

Scratch the Believable characters and i'm with you. They've always been pretty ridiculous, melodramatic, and over the top. It just used to be entertaining. I'm not sure if its a degradation of them or just me growing up.

Wouldn't it have destroyed the entire network? Not just the ones that were activated? Thus the ones they do not know about could not have been repaired?

It finally happened. Trekkies no longer qualify as a major species of Science Fiction fan.

You can't relate to someone who isn't exactly like you?

The thing inherently wrong about it is that religious believes or metaphysical beliefs should not influence policy and has no place in government.

I got bored of you telling me about those things. Let alone being expected to play them.

But its still the same old black and white morality which kind of cripples Star Wars as a fantasy universe.

I'm somewhat concerned that there has been no mention of Heather being pregnant with God...Which was kind of the hinging point of the entire game. I mean, literally, it was the sole driving force of the story, Harry's death being only a small part of it. Her struggle between exacting vengance and saving herself.