Have you ever been stabbed before? It isn't painless, it FUCKING HURTS. You literally have a blunt object forcing its way into your skin and bone.
Have you ever been stabbed before? It isn't painless, it FUCKING HURTS. You literally have a blunt object forcing its way into your skin and bone.
Yeah, that kind of blew my mind too. Its okay to kill people with blades but not bullets? Its kind of bass-ackwards. The weapons themselves are irrelevant, what you do with them that matters.
Not just Parallels. There was a comic arc in the early 90s where the Enterprise got knocked into another dimension where they failed to get Picard back. Earth was undergoing assimiliation, Riker lost an eye, Data, Keiko, and Troi were all killed in the destruction of the saucer section. Everyone was dark and edgy in…
Just goes to show how all great things seem to be born from adversity. That when you struggle to make something only the best parts get made.
Funny how he didn't address the fact that it's not just Bioware, but Maxis and Pandemic and Westwood and many others that declined in quality, lost most of their core people, and then (in the case of the latter two) died under EA's management, their IPs divied up and turned into a shell of their former selves.
Agreed. I just remember when Square would do a variety of games. For every Final Fantasy you got a Vagrant Story or a Parasite Eve or a Xenogears. Sure, you got some duds, but diversity is good for a company.
I had no idea there was anything other than a story in TOR. Thats where all those millions went, right?
It's not like they can fuck up the franchise any more than they already have. I say full steam ahead on this anime that includes no characters I like and extremely low detail animation.
I'm just anxious for Square to release/localize something that isn't another Final Fantasy XIII sequel
I would like to endorse the BSG board game, it is fantastic and perfectly encapsulates the tone and themes of the first season of the show. Its amazing.
Yeah. I think you are missing the point. Resident Evil never had good monster designs. But they behaved in a way that created tension. The Licker looks really stupid. But I can remember running in terror from it, out of ammo and with a sliver of health left, hoping I would make it to a save room in time.
I have. Two really bland playable characters and a plot that was all flash and no substance turned me off it.
People don't wan't to pay for good things. They like the same blandness over and over again. Its for the same reason for the success of reality television.
Dude. As much as I hate Final Fantasy right now, I have never written a wall of text like that about it. Looks like I'm not the one with the problem.
Somebody looked over this and decided this was an article worth posting? Does Kotaku have any standard of quality?
But that would involve some sort of respect for their fans.
I was actually sad re-playing it recently. I realize I find the entire core cast (Cloud, Sephiroth, Aeris) utterly intolerable. Cannot friggin stand them. I like a decent portion of the secondary cast though (Cid, Barret, and Tifa). But as soon as Aeris dies the game just drops character development almost entirely…
I'm not talking about profitability. I am talking about not blatantly fucking your customer, making them pay while increasingly making their system more ads and less content.
I've just never been able to wrap my head around the idea of paying for something that continues to shove ads in my face and actually makes it difficult for me to play games.
I liked it. Just not half as much as I wanted to. I am a huge noir buff so being able to do that in a game is great. The plot just felt really slapped together at times and the protagonist was hard to connect with.