
Man. They must have been really burning the midnight oil to put together that really cheap looking slideshow. And then taking that slideshow and photoshopping everyone's eyes green.

In that case, you really aren't getting any more screwed than usual. You're still getting the game. Would you mind sending me a copy of Pandora's Tower?

I really have to question your math there, you keep using that number 12 and I have no idea where it came from.

Sounds like you didn't have much respect for them in the first place. Its not like its a huge inconvenience to wait a few days when usually there are months between regions. Just comes across as whiny.

I think you are being overdramatic. And you seem to really be indulging in hyperbole as well. This is Atlus, not EA or something. They really do look after their fans and make sure they get good games. Hell, I logged onto the PSN last night to find that all of their games were on sale again. They don't price gouge

It would be one thing if they were limiting content to regions. But its literally the exact same game in each region. Atlus needs money to keep going, and I hope to give them as much as I can. This doesn't bother me.

Really, all you had to do was look at the character designs and every Castlevania fan went running for the hills at the mention of that game.

It would appear that I am not alone in jumping to conclusions. But you are clearly not the type of person who can be reasoned with, so I bid you good day.

I picked up Final Fantasy XIII-2 a few weeks back. The entire first half an hour of the game is filled with a big epic battle in some mystical city, none of it is explained, I only vaguely recognize Lightning and she is fighting some big foppish bad guy. There is no frame of reference on the conflict, no dialogue to

I wouldn't call the 13-2 story 'fun' so much as 'a confusing mess of JRPG tropes which are dragging the genre down'.

Now playing

And my Dad said: Stop being a fucking dinosaur and get a job!