
Well, Tomita was a former Sony employee. If he designed the technology while working at sony, then it would be Sony and not Tomita suing, as if you develope something while working somewhere, whatever you do is the companies propertie; gotta read the little letters printed in lemon when signing a contract.

How come no one selected the Simpsons arcade?

28 here, same though!

Wish Platinum boughts DarkSiders

The day Nintendo goes third party, Its the end of videogames consoles. If it weren't for Nintendo, an trying to give gamers new ways to play games and get the experience, Sony and MS would had never touted the "motion gimmick". Now, they are touting the "play elsewhere besides your tv" and "expand game contents with

Come on!

Why nintendo? Sony should dump the hardware, Nintendo makes beautifull hardware, sony just boxes

zing!.... or is it "oh snap!"

Well, when the WiiU was announced, there were at least thousand already looking for preorders of the thing, even though it would be released a year later

Final Fantasy XIII Versus confirmed for ps4?

Its a shame my gamemon usb adapter never supported jump, even when their latest dll says it does

would be nice. But given that having both devices its hardly affordable for a great amount of persons out there.

Man, i remember, when they announced the PS3, FFXIIIVersus being in the lines of games the PS3 would be receiving. 7 Years into the line and still no game. Its turning to be the new Duke Nukem 4Ever


This reasures my idea that the day i get my WiiU, all my downloaded content will stay on my Wii.

there where hardly a quest there, in the same way like LineAge 2 and Aoin, but RO2 is full of quests

Mondo vs Travis!!!! Make it Happen Suda!!!

For what the ps3 is going to cost, pretty sure i can build a way better PC, and given that most ps3 games ended up on pc, i wont be missing out much if i dont get a ps4. On another note..... I want a WiiU!!!!

It might have outsell the 360, but take in mind, it took 6 years to do so, and how much profit has the ps3 produced to sony? for how many time did they were seling the console for a loss.

another reason was to cut cost on production and loos less money per unit sold