
GOD YES PLEASE!!! Just thinking about this made me need a change of pants!!!!

Only if you live in a drug conflict state. Come to Hermosillo, Sonora, just south of Arizona, here we might not be the most secure state of Mexico, but hell we are the most calm.

sooooo, when is it comming out?

dinosaurs is the new zombie

Where is the "Cliff Bezinski, creator of Gears of War, was once the holder of the top score in super mario bross, featuring in the first issue of Nintendo Power Mag" http://www.gogaminggiant.com/2010/04/27/cliff-bleszinski-in-first-issue-of-nintendo-power/

there's is a UPlay icon in the video, so rest assured it will arrive on the WiiU

i liked Cars2 way more than Cars

Reaaaaaaaaaaally need to know why? Its when the real fun just starts. Specially for me since I'm Mexican.

I still play multiplayer in the same room with my friends on a weekly basis. Smash bros and mario kart online is not the same online than in the same room.

I did this when i received my FFXIII Japan only PS3 Version, transfered everything frmo my old 40gb phat ps3

hey guys, did you hear about the no shave novemeber joke? Its pretty funny!!! - Slowpoke

been confirmed since the announcement of the WiiU that most games will run in 1080p, no upscale

Meh, i have seen worse ting on flee markets. Come to Hermosillo, Sonora, we have 3 popular flee markets where stuff like this can be found pretty easily

Domo ありがとう任天堂

beat me to it!

awesome minds think alike i see

Its not like i have this problems, forgot to point out

What about a black-out? What if my pc takes more than 3 minutes to boot? What if the ISP server crashes down? What if my hard drives decides to die out of the blue?

Good thing its payday. I'll be sure to get a hold to grab a box of this god sent from heavens food!!!