
And you know those assholes knew exactly what the “difficulty” was. She didn’t get arrested for anything on or off a set, never stopped production and I haven’t heard her co-stars say anything about her so what, exactly, could those execs think made her unemployable?More unemployable than, oh so many men with laundry

What the people who say that do not understand - in fact, probably anyone to whom it hasn’t happened doesn’t understand - is that to come forward is to relive.

She refused one million dollars...

Every day is LARPing!

She is young.

When LARPing.

America’s version of fascism is the ultimate expression of white trash.

Of all the things liberals get teased over...being offended by the flag? I could not be more left and I have no idea where that is coming from. I have never once heard anyone take “offense” to the flag. ever.

And the orange skin and blinding white teeth/veneers. I often wonder if you could induce orgasm in the male sector of the GOP by waving a bag of candy corn in front of them - orange, yellow and white and oh-so-sickeningly saccharine - it is the empty calorie equivalent of a human being!

Like 50% of the reason people think she’s hot is the peroxide blonde hair extensions, right?

When a reality-TV star got elected to the highest office in the land, pop culture became politics and politics became pop culture. Try to keep up.

Any Old who can spell “partyboi” is *ahem* intimate with those of the term.

I’m an EMT, married to an EMT. I haven’t been on a truck for a few months because my bipolar is kicking my butt, but he has. ODs have tripled - TRIPLED - in the last year. We’re having trouble stocking enough narcan, which is a problem because we’ve also had a few accidental ODs from cops and providers coming into

I hope those who voted for him who have family or friends who are addicted see this as the slap in the face that it is. My brother in law (former, my sister eventually divorced him) is an opioid addict. The problem isn’t “just say no.” It’s “take this if you want to be able to get back to work after your

Can someone PLEASE tell me why this and the stories of guys like Dan Schneider haven’t gained more traction? Like, yes, women are being raped on casting couches. SO ARE CHILDREN

Hugs back atcha. I’m 49, and I still feel as though I am learning to respond to events with any semblance of sane behavior. There are three strikes against us (likely more): being the target of abuse; not having a positive role model for emotional, cognitive development and evolution; and having a brain so awash with

Just want to offer virtual hugs and commiserate. I still battle overcoming learned helplessness. It’s led to a few incidents where I overreacted in the other direction, because I didn’t know how to stand up for myself like a normal person.

Just the fact that you’re thinking about it says something (positive!) about you. I think a lot of men flat out refuse to consider their past behavior in this kind of light. “She never said ‘no’!” Which is exactly the point.

This is really well said and I see myself entirely in it. Thank you for writing it. It makes me extremely uncomfortably reflective of the times I too may have crossed a boundary, not understanding how my “safety” was safe until the point I violated that trust. Even if it was only seemingly innocent. Ugh. Makes me a

I hope this makes some of those “good men” try to remember the things they have forgotten. I hope that realizing you are an unself-aware part of the solution is still part of the problem. It certainly had that effect on me.