The major difference might be how much those musicians were actually creative and intellectual talents vs marketing fluff.
The major difference might be how much those musicians were actually creative and intellectual talents vs marketing fluff.
I won’t even bother with transgenderism since you don’t seem to be open to it...existing, but you do know people can be born with all sorts of equipment, yeah?
Just because you haven’t done much research on what could be done, doesn’t mean no one has. We could start with, say, what Australia did. The government bought back all the outlawed guns at market price, no questions asked.
That would be terrible. It’s better that vast tracts of cow pasture have equal representation.
And someone who has been poor could tell you that taxes are a moot point when it costs more for care than taxes. Also, everything else you said, doesn’t matter if you can’t afford it. Wait times? It took me 10 years to get an allergy test. I never had the extra 200 + to just see a specialist out of pocket, and no one…
Is there a good place to read more about British hat-nuance and what they indicate?
Yes, huge tracts of land should be counted as extra people. Sounds great. How’s that working out?
You have trouble with critical thinking. I’ll pray for you.
It’s less about his actual hand size and more about how thin-skinned and childish he is.
This Post Has Truth
I’m someone who can’t (or “can’t” as you put it) have EITHER. Hi.
I’ve been looking around, but I can’t seem to figure out what the Tea Party was even holding out for AFTER Paul Ryan gave them the Thursday night amendment. What did they want that Paul Ryan wouldn’t give them? Anyone else happen to find that?
Some immigrants had it easier than others when they had a strike. Jesus, we know it’s harder for some. Striking is hard. Why does everyone seem to think it’s not worth it if it’s hard for them or harder for some? STRIKE
Pi Day party. Yes. I see how you just cannot help but shop for...the Pi Day party. Goddammit, we’re doomed. Immigrant busboys are striking during their strike and we can’t expect our own to not shop for a day because of a Pi Day Party.
You’re right. It’s tested and true knowledge that if you’re just nice to people who want to abuse you and take your rights away, they will slowly come around.