
Yup, really nice ones on a car with a base price of $168,000.00.

Stop using logic!! This is Jalponik.

I’m ready for the “you’re insane” comments, but based on the description - 88 oz cut pile trimmed in nubuck leather with contrast stitching to match the dashboard option you picked - $1200 isn’t a bad price for two floor and a trunk mat.

Asa former e24 owner, I can tell you with all certainty that the GLHS will beat it in just about every performance category.

It’s about the interpretation and application of existing law. If you don’t like it, talk to your state representatives. But let’s stop with the bashing of the Judge and Court. Her ruling was not wrong.

Perpetual single here - if this is a real story, what exactly does this relationship bring that would make you put up with even 10% of this?

You, like the original blogger of the article, are mixing two issues and acting as if they are one to prove some point about sexism.

How else do you have a functioning society if you can’t enforce contracts, though?

You’re forgetting the other all too important aspect of a modern and just society: we innocent until proven guilty.

Not really paternalistic.

I don’t understand... So she asked a judge to dissolve a legally binding contract based on rumors that this guy is abusive? Did she first prove in court that this guy abused her?

But Rendard, my friend, you must agree that this post is ridiculous. What would be the legal basis to grant Kesha a temporary injunction if Sony is allowing her to record with other producers? The judge isn’t going to wave her hand and absolve her of her contractual obligations just cause. This whole post pisses me

That system can be described many ways, but “paternalistic” it is not. It assumes that every individual is capable of being his (or her) own advocate.

This actually isn’t completely accurate. The Contract Clause was mainly implemented to prevent states from nullifying the contracts (usually of powerful individuals) via legislation, a practice known as “private relief.” Also, prior to the ratification of the Constitution (i.e. under the Articles of Confederation)

There are ways to get out of contracts, mainly if they were signed under duress. But there’s a high burden of proof for that kind of thing, as there should be. It’s not just an ancient and paternalistic idea that society would crumble if contracts weren’t enforceable. Literally everything obligation anyone has beyond

YES! THIS. I’m so happy we live in a society that we can kill off the children that we don’t want and not feel regret. Thank you for sharing.

The only thing dirtier than the water

The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.

Yes. For those of you who thought Canada was perfect in every way, this should really knock you off your unicorn.

Just what the hell happened here?