
Again, sorry if you took this personally or against your website, but you can’t deny the difference in sports media reaction to the two stories. Fine it may be the biggest story today, but the scale in coverage doesn’t even begin to approach deflategate. Even given the patriots history, the reaction to Brady

Woah, my comment never said Deadspin, it says “media.” I couldn’t tell if you didn't know to what he was referring. Look you can say its ludicrous all you want, but don’t pretend this wouldn’t be the biggest story in the country if it was revealed Brady got shipments of HGH.

I assume this is joking? I don’t care what Brady or Manning did, but the hypocrisy by the media in the way the two stories were handled is pretty striking. The media’s reaction and rush to defend Peyton is a perfect example of why patriot fans think they are the victims of some nfl conspiracy.

way to double down instead of admit you learned something

You left out a lot of other passages from the book that are much more disturbing, like bribing her sister with candy to kiss her and lay on top of her, and masturbating in the same bed while she sleeps. This article is almost certainly going to be edited with a "we didn't approach this correctly" like that asshole's

I feel like this is a really immature way to reply to a legitimate criticism of your writing.

omg, you already know to be a prick to commenters who point out a huge discrepancy in your article. you're going to fit in well here.

You are a fucking gross abuse apologist.

You should be embarrassed for ignoring and minimalizing sibling-sexual abuse. It's a slap in the face to survivors of such abuse. Whether her sister is "fine" with it means nothing.

Your flippant attitude is disgusting.

You should be, Dunham apologist. #sheepcontinuetobleet

You should be! You're being deliberately obtuse, but I'm not surprised. That's par for the course for liberals these days. Imagine your outrage if Lena Dunham was a conservative or better yet, a man who confessed to having done these things to his little brother or sister growing up. My God, your f-ing heads would

oh i get it, because you're shit at your job

So I guess you are killing this, its a shame really

Gonna reply to my own comment here with some of examples of what I mean so that people can see what I'm talking about:

THIS is what the fuck is bothering me. It seems that there is much more to the story but the focus from the white feminist media is "oh, she only looked at her sister's vagina when she was 7." From all accounts, that is NOT the only thing she said she did. WTF!

AND, her sister Grace said, "Without getting into specifics," she said, "most of our fights have revolved around my feeling like Lena took her approach to her own personal life and made my personal life her property."

WHAT?! Seriously?! Holy shit that's in the book? I've been thinking that I'm totally alone on this pebble issue bc I really saw it just as the specialist above states it. No big deal. Bodily exploration. Everybody does it. But holy shit, that other stuff is disturbing as fuck.

They want to defend Lena and the only way to do so is to omit.

Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister