CJ Duck

Vacation is astonishingly good. I'm pretty sure you could give it to non-punk people and they would "get" it, though I have yet to try myself.

Jeff is the real deal. He and everyone within the orbit of Asian Man Records are musical fucking heroes.

Pots and Shots is A+ material. "Clear" is one of the best ska-punk songs ever written, which makes me sad that they couldn't make it to AMR20.

I used to do a full barrel roll and launch my entire load of seismic charges in REBEL STRIKE just so I could hear them do the silent/big boom thing in rolling succession.

Damn, I almost teared reading the last sentence of the KotOR II entry. I know exactly who/what/where you're talking about, but I have yet to play the game with its most modern Restoration update, so I've never seen that scene. Maybe it's time for another go…

Watching GRINDHOUSE in a theater was maybe one of the best theater-going experiences I've had. I was there with some of my best friends and a big thing of cheesy pretzel bites, and we could barely catch our way breath through the glorious fake trailers. The reveal at the end of WEREWOLF WOMEN OF THE SS trailer was by

Vacation is far and away my favorite Bomb! album and may be my favorite album, period. It's a really strong album thematically and does a great job of tracing the arc of that theme in its quasi-narrative. The one-two punch of "Felt Just Like a Vacation" and hidden track "Don't Destroy Yourself" are such a perfect

I adore "Home".

Would Final Fantasy count as science fantasy? It seems that games (especially JRPGs) may be where the supergenre is most alive.