It’s a northern English accent, it’s not weird ta very much :)
It’s a northern English accent, it’s not weird ta very much :)
How is this a trailer for season 2? It only contains scenes from Season 1.
More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history.
Are you saying that Hillary, who won the popular vote by a large margin, never had a chance of winning?
I was like that with the works of Robert A Heinlein
I understand that Chav’s provenance is not definitively known. There are lots of theories, but none of them have much evidence to back them up.
Bowing is optional, apparently.
Don’t they have train stations or anything?
If you precis all of his shows, the SOUND dumb. A high-school vampire slayer? Space-cowboys?
One’s gonna be on TV and the other ain’t?
I wondered this too, although I have seen Americans refer to the “Victorian era” before, which gave me pause. Is it common for Americans to refer to this period as Victorian? If so, which other British Kings and Queens are used as benchmarks for a period?
And you can guarantee that none of these women have had affairs or treated their significant others badly, right?
The Last Jedi debate feels like it is, somehow, just beginning.
He chose poorly...
I’m actually organizing another revolution
Peak Gizmodo.
I bet you never saw a pidgeon-hole you didn’t want to slot somebody into, did you?
I had the same thought. I wouldn’t mind seeing Johnson original trilogy, but wish he hadn’t been let loose on the core saga. The differences between his sensibilities and the sensibilities of the seven saga movies was too great
Man that poster is still lush.
just because a film idea is in development doesn’t mean it’s going to get made. Most films in early development don’t, in fact. But that’s still a lot of movies.