
Yeah I’ll be interested to know for sure that there was some other motivation for this crime. To which the CPD needs to address as soon as they have the suspects motives narrowed down, they need to get the info out asap, the news cycle for both Left and Right is going to be using this for their own purposes for weeks.

You can have my stars... I don’t need them anymore.

You are correct in your assessment. The motive is what matters, with this incident the motive was apparently to kidnap and torture a white person, visa-vi, a textbook hate crime.

I honestly didn’t know Tarkin was CGI... I think if you know before hand you notice it more obviously, but I just found out and couldn’t believe it. I didn’t notice it in DOLBY Vision at the AMC I went to. I think they are getting close to surpassing the uncanny valley pretty soon. 

Then again most tech nowadays must just seem mystical to most people. They have no idea how anything works, its almost magic. What scares me is we are a generation of technology but it mostly enables us to ignore anything under the surface.

This is a serious problem of not understanding what the technology is or how it works. The genes that are expressed, if they don’t change anything but one enzyme produced and it’s non-toxic, then it can’t hurt you. We have been doing this for thousands of years with selective cross breeding and cloning. We’re just

Rich artists aren’t mentally ill.... They are eccentric! We applaud them until they break down from all the awesome crazy shit they spew out. We are his enablers as much as his family is. Remember they become famous and rich because we (collectively) support it.

Kinda looks like how I walk after 2 fifths of bourbon...