Sparky Duck

The most dumbfoundingly stupid part of this is: everything Trump blew up at the NFL for was already happening before Trump blew up about it. These people had heard of Colin Kaepernick, right? They follow the NFL, presumably? They knew that players were protesting? But their opinion of the league only changed when

‘...but because the “ill-informed students” clearly needed to to “learn all that the flag truly represents.”’

the Civil War ain’t just a rivalry game in Oregon

To be fair, the cheerleader deciding to take a knee just when she was supposed to help catch the flyer was a bit poorly timed,

See. I never knew until they got this fabulous sponsorship! It’s already paying dividends!

Vegas resident here. Having the team play at Cashman Field, I believe, drives down attendance. The area the current stadium is in is...to put it kindly...not a good neighborhood. It’s at the far, far north end of Las Vegas Blvd, on the other side of the freeway, in a high-crime area of the city and after dark it

This is great. I’m always searching for things to do in Vegas. Minor league baseball will bring a little energy to the city.

The fuck you bringing me into this for?

Um, that story seems to me like it’s saying that people go great lengths to get the hell out of New York. The guy worked in Manhattan but chose to live in Philadelphia.

Acela is only an hour and fifteen minutes. Many people in other parts of the country have longer car commutes (not that I’m recommending this—I live in South Philly, but work from home).

I had a similar thought when I read Pat Robertson’s comment the other day on Vegas. He says it was punishment for the gays. How does he know its not punishment for us putting up and supporting people like him?

Okafor traveling unnecessarily? YOU DONT SAY!

But guys, he helped them too.

Donny 2 Scoops claims he’s a 4 handicap. I was a 2 5 years ago before I had a total shoulder replacement and haven’t so much as picked up a club since. I’ll mortgage my house and bet that orange Julius fuck nut $1,500,000 to play straight up. No 10 foot gimmes, no fucking mulligans, every fucking stroke counts.

The Tampa Bay player also said, “My phone was ringing off the hook from locals calling in death threats. Thankfully it died down a bit around 7-7:30pm. Didn’t get one after 8pm at all.”

I really should have learned not to comment before I’ve had coffee.

Mike works for NBC now....