CJ dot co

So who is the not triss redhead?

Is that defense they use in revenge porn trials: well you knew I filmed you...

Religion, that’s how.

Oh yay, it’s a guy doing the hen-pecked husband routine for comedic effect; I’m going to take a break from chortling and go back to watching Everybody Loves Raymond now.

How can you be a grown man who is married and not be able to afford a 40/60 dollar game?

If you have to ask your partner’s permission to buy a video game, you’re in an unhealthy relationship.

Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.

Quality of the games

Your two choices of credits are from 20+ years before season 1 of HoC. People weren’t tuning in to see her. Netflix even said their algorithm keyed in on Kevin Spacey’s popularity in steaming data. There was just no way they were going to pay them the same at the beginning.

Grown Men buying toys.... This is what America has become....

I think Bungie already made this doom mod about 20 years ago.

I will never understand the lack of grasp one must have on reality to blame it all on the developers. Nobody makes dickheads act like dickheads. Still a decision they made all by themselves.

I’m talking about all the people who say, “I know I’m a white lady so this isn’t for me, but I’m gonna say a million self-indulgent things about it anyway so I can feel good about myself”. Nobody cares about that shit. I do care about people who have interesting things to say about the art.

Don't you see? This wasn't meant for you or the overwhelming white and middle class to wealthy people who subscribe to HBO.

Okay, how about from a black guy.

Yeah, why the hell is race so important? So what?

Oh wow, you americans are unbeliavable. Your pursuit for socially acceptable diversity is just ridiculous.

That’s ridiculous. They’re not stopping anybody of any race of doing anything they want. If more diverse people want to get into games media, how is this group of people standing against that? I didn’t even realize white people had the stranglehold on niche youtube channels. These guys gave up years of dedication just

He’s right, though. Pointing out their race first above all else, particularly as a determining factor of the quality of that staff is itself pretty fucking racist and completely besides the point.

Yeah cause their race is like, sooooo important.