so is it id John Romero good or Ion Storm John Romero bad?
so is it id John Romero good or Ion Storm John Romero bad?
People are calling him transphobic because he made a joke about Caitlyn Jenner and referenced her, pre-transition, as Bruce Jenner.
Fuck Mayweather, it was a dumbass comment and irrelevant. He’s not racist, but he thought he would take the time to point out McGregor isn’t black? What? Just a fucking dumb comment, period.
I enjoy this digital arms race. Piracy is a scourge on the economy of video games.
Just force yourself to do nothing but the main story quests. Seriously, FORCE yourself. Then when you’re done, you don’t have to think about it anymore and can explore the world and side missions all you want without feeling guilty.
Well this was released on fewer platforms. Plus the game is really good and everyone should play it. That is the biggest success.
Is it ok to dislike the vapid fanbase that has quickly grown over this game? Reminds me of a certain other fandom involving animals.
Man, I fucking miss Mass Effect and how good it was.
I did watch it. If you call pulling a gun from your waistband when police approach you “relaxing”, then I don’t know what to tell you. This is a tragedy but there was bad judgement all around.
No no no, the police obviously pulled up, saw Tamir “relaxing” and started blasting.... The narrative provided by this writer is absurd and false.
I love how you leave out major points of the story. The cops thought it was a real gun because people called the police and said a boy is playing with a gun and threatening people. The story is tragic enough, you dont need to leave out information for sympathy. Most people know the cops did not act appropriately.
“Ignorance is bliss when it comes to our heroes sometimes. Learning the truth is a mighty huge letdown.”
Exactly this. I don’t own a vita or PS3. I never will. I own a PS4. I’d love to buy this game. I can’t.
You’re so edgy.
Whatever makes for a better game. I have plenty of games I still havnt played and have No rush to add to that list. If this is truly the last uncharted, then rather naughty dog have all the time they need to go out with a bang
I say this is a good thing, as I’m sure many others will echo. Far too many high profile games are released nowadays that suffer because of trying to meet publisher enforced deadlines.
No Botchling encounter from Witcher 3? Maybe more gross than scary.
I mean, I see your point, but radical Islamists are literally enslaving women.
Counterpoint: There is no better snack food than chocolate milk.