CJ dot co

Ruined! ruined!

I played 360 with friends all the time and never had a bad experience. Maybe you need friends.

This all just has me wishing that the PS4 and XB1 weren't so mediocre, specs wise.

God you're so cool. How can I be you?

This on disc DLC is such bullshit.

Another 2d game.......


Replied to the wrong person.

so if people don't say what you need them to, you just make something up?

At least you can always have your sense of superiority.

Christian Woman Re-Writes Fictional Book Based on Other Fictional Book

only Frank Luntz could make sports commentary more vapid and useless.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar; stop projecting.

No, you're missing the point.

You are implying that something is racist because you associate a type of music with particular races. That IS racist. Keep digging that hole, dude.

Yeah, but his thinking is super shallow. If it looks like maybe it might be bad on the surface, it is bad; that is as deep as he analyzes things.

Well, it is clear that to him, mentioning hip-hop is somehow code for "black/brown people," which seems pretty, I dunno, racist.

So hip hop means black/brown people only to you? And you call the author racist....

How you got racism out of that I will never know.

Besides upsetting your delicate sensibilities what is wrong, exactly; you're going to have to make an actual argument.

Yes, I am sure this was serious.


I think the issue is that if a huge MMO game like destiny becomes rote and boring after a dozen or so hours, it might become even worse after 30. Also, a review of the game after playing for a shorter amount of time makes sense if you consider the fact that a lot of people won't push past a mediocre first 15 hours or

Who better to take photos than a person completely ignorant of context.

Wait, what?