Dr. Wedge

@mikekearn: Totally agree. However, would you rather have it called iPaste? I'm tired of all the "i"-named things. So while the name is stupid, it's better than the alternative.

I've done this with a Monster Energy drink can (the one with the twist off lid). Drill a small hole in the bottom to ignite the flamable gas. Then I used a paper towel tube as a barrel. Sure, it gets hot after a few shots, but it won't catch you on fire.

I've been using Boxee on my Mac since it was an Alpha product. It's been great. I really like the service and think that it could really take off. My only complaint is that I can't use it on my PPC Dual G5. With that said, I hope to get in on the Windows beta so I can build a Boxee-dedicated box to hook up to my TV.

The last point about international card useage is almost true. Visa and MasterCard charge 1%. They say it's for conversion. If your bank or credit union is charging that, then it's a direct pass through. If you're paying more than that, they are padding the rate for a profit. I speak for experience; I worked for Bank

@andrwmorph: quit your bitchin' and moanin'. So what? They want to make some money for their product; are you working for free? Oh, that's right you're not. So, put off the "holier than thou" attitude, shut your hole and get back to flippin' burgers.

I've been following Ramit's blog for about a year now and he's got some great tips. If you haven't looked at his stuff, I suggest you do.

@Joey Mendoza: You're such a slut. You just copied/pasted my email to you.

@Adam Pash: Please do... those "First" posts are extremely annoying.

@computerwiz3491: I haven't done any real benchmarks, but I've been using Safari 4 for the last few days. I've noticed a positive difference over Safari 3 as well as FF3. I even have a Flash disabler running on both browsers, and have noticed that FF bogs down over time, yet Safari keeps pluggin' along. Since the

@spraveenitpro: In the words of Wil Wheaton: "Don't be a dick!"

@VooDooTo... so three different posts about how useless the update is?

@telepheedi: Great idea, but I'm sure there's a different protocol for that. This was designed to pull from iTunes. Given the work that went in to parse the XML for iTunes, if the Zune Store has a similar setup, it shouldn't be all that hard to tweek it.

I've been using GeekTools for the last few weeks and really like it. It's not a resource hog, but displays the info that I want. Anyway, I've been looking for a way to get it to display my iCal or GCal appointments on the desktop. I've tried Rainlender and while it does what I want, it's another program that I have to

@vlatro: I guess it depends on what's important to you. I turned off my DTV a few months ago. Mainly because I had a hard time paying almost $100 when I could get all the content for free online. Since then, it's been great! Rather than watching shows I don't really like, I now watch the shows I really want to watch

@hereitcomesagain: So putting toxic vinyl in the landfill is a good idea? By your logic, you're discounting the decomposition rate of vinyl and the amount of harm it will do for centuries to come. Just reuse the damn bag and make sure your kids don't suffocate themselves with it.

@Kaelri: Nah, that's cool... Being that I use a Mac, I don't know how Rainmeter works. It looks like some of those features would be useful on my Dual G5 as I use it more now as a server. There's programs that will do similar things, but I really like the way you've got that setup.

That looks great. It makes me wish there were similar applications for the Mac. However, why 4 clocks, and 5 dates (including the on screen calendar)? Suffer from short term memory loss? Concerned that the world is going to move on without you?

This is a timely post as I've been tossing around the idea of installing Ubuntu on one of my spare Windows boxes. I'm happy with my OSX, but as a web developer, I need to see how sites are displayed on various OS's and browsers. So, I guess that's my motivation.

@panman: "Let's put that in the parking lot": means I don't want to get into that now, we'll talk about it later. (I roll my eyes every time I hear this one)"

I've been using this for quite a while now to back up my Dual G5. My only real complaint is that it's amazingly slow. Then again, this is my first off-site back up service, so I really don't know what else to compare it against. I just don't backup my music/media (50+ gigs) or my pictures. I use a pro Flickr account