
Yes, in total amounts China is producing greater amounts, especially bearing in mind it makes the rest of the world's crap(Including whatever device you made your argument on), but the argument about American over-use of energy is a very pressing matter, because while America's birth rate is a lot less than that of

I'm saying movies that aim for a specific audience will often preclude other audiences, and while I don't agree that "whitewashing" is in itself racism, I do find it to be a product of the needs for segregated audiences: White folks needing to see white folks in a movie, the notion of the "token black guy", the idea

I don't think what you're describing is racism, but it is often shockingly poor judgement from people who you'd expect to have a clue. Scorsese and LaBute(Remaker of "Death at a Funeral"), got away with it because in Scorsese's case, the adaptation was something more than just a remake, it was an invigoration of the

China is only a concern with regard to future POTENTIAL pollution levels, at a point where more of it's population can be financially successful enough to afford the things that people such as Americans have access to in order to become anywhere near as pollutant - While China may well grow to such an output of

Because tomorrow your kids can pay for their housing to be protected from all the chemicals and radiation bombarding the planet since Daddy's generation died out, and also pay for the new meds to make such a life survivable.

Excellent, all that electricity will come in handy when we need to start building the God-Emperor's palace there.

Damn it, "...a life *on* the farm...".

I really want to like, or even enjoy this show and I just don't. I do however, feel closer to pin-pointing my main issue with it as entertainment - The kids make no sense. They've been brought up in a dystopian futurescape hellhole of a city that didn't even have the sky as a consistent part of their lives, and they

McDonalds food isn't expensive, that's the point. Get over it.

I for one, don't care whether it has cheerily optimistic tone and is full of blithering ignorance, or it revels in dark misery and torturous progression of shocking story lines - I just want a good TV show, one that knows what a story is and isn't afraid to use that knowledge, one that casts the best for the part and

That's something that the recent seasons/series of Dr. Who have mad me feel like hurting myself over - the insistence on it being "Earth, but later", or "Earth earlier", or even "Earth, behind that thing you weren't looking behind". I get that times are hard, but more foreign worlds please!

If it were Region 2, I'd be more than happy to support Pen Ward in this way. Or Region 0, but that's where I draw the line.


TV companies man, still desperately clinging to their old infrastructure, because it's currently no use to anyone if they're not using it.

As someone who still mourns the loss of MSR/PGR1-2, and who hasn't really played this series at all until I picked up GT5 on Platinum a few months ago, I'd like to say this:

Fair point.

See kids? Regulation *can* work.

Dog's wearing a leotard(I guess is what you'd have to call it) - there's a seam on the hind leg near the top. So that's something, at least.

My hero.

As with many who became famous for their work in industry, Steve Jobs did not invent computers. He did, however, show us how to use them to get things done.