
Get a smoker and smoke a spatchcock bird, you won’t be sorry.

After this season I kinda feel like whoever wants the Orioles can have em. There was record low attendance this year and we atleast led the league in that stat with a 26% drop in fans putting up with panhandlers, junkies, unsafe parking, and the general hassle getting into downtown to get to the stadium.

So your options are to go through the ringer with FCA denying your claim multiple times and wasting a bunch of your time OR talk to your wheeling buddy with a welder and trade part of his afternoon for a 30rack of whatever he/she drinks and glue the mount back to the frame stronger than ever. 

The flu shot won’t give you the flu but it does inject you with liberal mind control nanomachines and chemtrails that turn frogs gay. 

I’d like to propose that GM axe Buick and revive Pontiac entirely due to the recent adverts they have been bombarding me with on any YouTube content that is even close to car related. I am so sick and tired of hearing the horn blast from whatever horrible song they ruined by placing it on every commercial they made.

My FIL loves to talk about his Malort days back in Chicago and will rattle off a bunch of unofficial slogans - “Malort, give your mouth a kick in it balls”, “Malort, it’s time to fight your dad”, and one of his favorites “Malort, because these pants won’t shit themselves”

I’ll speak for MD hating the corner brownie, it’s way too crispy for these swampbillies to eat with all of the opiates ruining their teeth. 

#Prayers sent

You’re engaging with a guy with a username INALLCAPS, any logic or explanation you provide is irrelevant due to FIVE GUNS, 6 gallons of water, and no wallet.

So the fire may have been caused by an ATF leak... just one more reason to never go for a auto Wrangler. The only place ATF belongs is in the transfer case with no cooler lines to wear through with awesome FCA build quality. 

ehhh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Didn’t see it anywhere or tried to google, is she related to Brian Deegan from off road racing?

You can’t just put a couple wheelchair motors in a Lada and call it a Tesla killer.

I think it is a difference in the market. VW is perceived as an economy car brand and the Golf/Jetta was the entry level model here in the US. As such it fared poorly with budget minded buyers who don’t always have the means to keep up with maintenance, car washes, and replacing cosmetic consumables (the entire soft

The facelifted 210s are pretty solid cars. We have an 01 E320 in the family that looks like it has driven through Aleppo (just Baltimore though) and it soldiers on through despite deferred maintenance and user neglect. They are the last of the good old tough Benzs, the motor is tough, the trans is reliable, and MB

Yeah for the hops and mango mix there is a brewery in the Baltimore, Heavy Seas, that makes tasty IPA called TropiCannon. It is a fairly strong IPA at 7.25% ABV with heavy notes of citrus and mango to offset the hops. https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/898/205647/

Most of the FWD VWs with VR6s are great burnout machines, especially the MK3 and MK4 GTI/Jetta. The have the combination of fully defeatable or no TCS, narrow tires, strong clutches and parking brakes, open diffs, and great midrange torque. In my 03 GLI all you had to do was press the ESP button to disable, set the

Has Guy Fieri been contacted for his comments?

None of the unibodies get a wave from me except for the odd MJ.

Adding larger/heavier tires is going to stress that drive train over time. I doubt there are any options out there to regear the diffs to help the trans turn the new setup. I’m thinking there will be some heat related trans failures since that torque converter will be allowing more slip and revs to get those tires