
Why not indeed!

I love her, can't stand her in this part.

She shorted it. So she made money when it fell. I believe she was trying to make back some of the money Chuck was losing.

You just want to see Maggie naked :-).

I didn't even think about how Axe's actions will affect Lara's family.

Guess I'm in the minority but I didn't like it. I really don't care for the whole Noah's mental breakdown over his mother's death thing. The first season was amazing. Now I fast forward through most of it.

Just fix it! It was amazing and now it is like watching paint dry. There were interesting settings: the beach, cool beach homes, and seafood shacks. The storyline was great though no one cared about who killed Scotty. How could you take something so good and sink it?

This review is spot on - I agree with it all. What happened to this show?