Cj Perry

This is why I am proponent of some sort of Flat Tax. No possible tax evasion.

@Herbert-the-Pervert: If it looks like a netbook (small form factor)... if it acts like a netbook (no disc drive/low specs)... if it's priced like a netbook... well you got me on that last one.

@noamjamski: Exactly. I bet there are similar slivers of users using older versions of iOS on older hardware (iPhone or iTouch) that aren't compatible with many iOS apps.

@StephenBradley: 100% agreement. I prefer WebOS over iOS or Android but the unfortunate thing is that their hardware is absolute junk.

@searching with my good eye closed: & @mikehart526: While the title might say LCD, the article says the "world's largest 3D-capable HDTV". That is still an incorrect statement regardless of what the title says.

@casperiv: Ya, I'd question the legitimacy of the stats as well. There are certain portions of the population which simply wouldn't even think about going to a dating site. Many religious people find potential partners within their own organization.

I think you need to mention on that comparison chart that Hulu is Hulu Plus if I'm not mistaken. There's a big difference between regular Hulu and Hulu Plus. I want regular Hulu but I don't believe any of those boxes will do that. Maybe GoogleTV will with Chrome but even that's to be seen.

Is it just me or do the HTC phones look significantly sexier than the competing brands? Only the Dell phone looks like it even comes close.

I will buy this in a flash if and only if the video chat works with Skype or at least any other free PC compatible video chat service. I've been looking for a box that does Netflix, Hulu (which this should do via Chrome) and video chat. This looks like my box.

@RaindropBebop: Doesn't really matter. They alert regular humans to do the actual identifying. From this article, it appears there are no weapons on-board.

I've always thought if I ever became a gazillionaire, I'd still want a relatively small home. Don't get me wrong, 5,000 sq ft is a decent size house but it's not a billionaire mansion.

Am I the only one who doesn't care how long I wait for a movie? I've got Netflix and I don't even care about the extra 30 days that some studios are putting on Netlifx. It just goes in my queue and when I get it, I get it. I'm not paying $5 for an earlier rental let alone $30.

@Alessar: ...which is still bad for you. Sugar and sugar substitutes in most forms are bad for you. At least at the levels consumed in average American "food" products.

@CodeJanitor: You could also try... you know... water. ;-)

@talkingstove: If music is a buck a pop, people simply buy more songs. If it were $5 a pop, then people would buy approx 5x less music (I know this isn't a 1:1 ratio but you get the idea).

@HannoverFist: Where I live, there are city codes against shining lights upward as well as limitations on types/wattages of outdoor lights. We have a great view of the stars every night.

I currently only watch streaming video. I don't have cable anymore and I haven't looked back. Only thing I've had an issue with so far is NBC's NFL stream. That thing gave me all sorts of trouble last night so I resorted to options the NFL probably wouldn't approve of.