
Easy to do. I can't even keep my Davids straight. Besides, he does have that grumpy thing down.

He's an alternate third doctor, but yes he's great, esp with Benny (and I got the Davids confused too lol)

Narrator: But he really wasn't

Hard to believe I'm writing this but better than those somehow.

And Chevy's purpose was specifically to damage Gerald Ford politically. And it worked.

He is interesting, but a bit too abstract to be among the top for me. And of course, he really didn't write enough.

It's true. I didn't enjoy his TV era much but he's pure genius on Big Finish. He went from my least favorite doctor to top 4. Check it out.

Not controversial at all (if we're just talking about Classic anyway). I'd go Holmes-Whitaker 1-2 as well. This, Evil, Edge of Destruction, The Rescue. Plus script editing the beginning and the immense contributions he made on that side. I think he's got a real case for #1, actually.


Interesting video. The grading example at the end would have been far more illustrative if the music didn't change with every color grade strongly suggesting the mood we were supposed to be experiencing, though.

It's lead dreamer not lead brainstormer

The staff trashing the painting was one brilliant line after another. "Picasso's heavy period" left me rolling

Excellent point. It's almost as though Chuck believes that he can change while his brother cannot.

It's crazy that Chuck so steadfastly believes people don't change, yet the result of that belief is what changes Jimmy to Saul.

Bev dropping F bombs absolutely slays my wife and I every time. There was a nice run early this season where she'd drop one an episode and we'd have to pause the DVR for a good 30 seconds. I'd love to see a supercut.

So clearly him I can't believe anyone ever doubted it

Here's some money , go see a star war.

Is there? News to me. I think she's hysterical and wish she was cast more often

Fargo/Rick & Morty

I don't recall her being a writer on this show, so I fail to see how this is relevant