
I am genuinely excited about the great things Mr. Trump has already done. Imagine the damage he can undo in 8 years. The people are speaking through their representatives again, look at the house and senate election results especially.

I’d say that brief period in the mid 1990s. Plus, also five minutes ago when I hadn’t read your reply. That was definitely a lot better time. is nothing. She’s made a mountain out of a molehill. Hell, I’ve had worse banter than this with the females in my office, and THEY started it. No, this is someone being super touchy and looking for an excuse. The guy apologized, and she still went off on a tirade. I’m not defending apple, or their employees,

Gunning straight for that HR settlement no doubt. I read it more as a pop culture reference joke than a rape joke.

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways