
These Paths and possibly Buried Alive are better.

If you think that then there is no reason to not, it's as good as anything they've put out thus far.

All are great but SYB was a bit of a retread of FtT I thought. Blitz at least started into a new direction.

Yeah but this one seems more consistently strong than It's Blitz. Definitely wins you over after a couple listens.

Believe they have been confirmed as bombs with two additional ones being located and defused.

Alright @avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus lets not jump to 'terrorists' so quickly

I dunno, you can at least follow that without having to have tons of knowledge beforehand.

This has to be the worst written article in AV Club history.

Want to chime in on how important NCC is for me. It is how I found AV Club years ago. I was Googling some theory on Donnie Darko and found the NCC article. I read through it and was amazed at how well articulated and written it was. I started browsing through the other entries like Heavenly Creatures and each article

Wish there was a poster that used the term "Retarded" in a mocking manner.

Yeah but that wasn't to censor it, it was just to curb accidentally finding it when searching things more innocent, essentially it made the boobage search algorithm more refined. Naturally, searching "boobs" will result in exactly that.

Yeah what's with this recent trend of people coming out and saying a director's worst film is their best. Not to knock OP, maybe he does like it, but it sure seems like a 'thing' lately to be loud and proud about liking the major flop of a director's career.

I love all of Malick's films (To The Wonder being the weakest) but this is the one that does exactly what you say: manage that balance between the story, cinematography, and philosophy. I love Thin Red Line and Tree of Life but I can't just get around to watching them whenever, you really have to be in a certain mood


It's some guys CGI rendering of him that was posted on reddit the other day. Don't know why they chose it without any explanation.

We hate him unless its a sponsored post for the year's most talked about movie: Spring Breakers, in which case we love him unconditionally.

Appreciated @avclub-4f8bc5ac1dc2b49434efe9e72f183de8:disqus ,  my own scorn was overblown. Good article otherwise.

Yeah Through the Looking Glass was definitely the best episode of Lost. It was able to turn around a middling season into the biggest WHAAAAT moment of probably the entire show. And it was exciting and epic in scope.

That exclamation mark changes everything.

Right in the middle of my Woody Allen marathon, you have to go and ruin it for me.