
That's really cool!

That's really cool!

@avclub-64eec0c3fb6b12c43f51ec9e9c773fed:disqus PUN

@avclub-64eec0c3fb6b12c43f51ec9e9c773fed:disqus PUN

That's the same as the movie isn't it? They did a great job creating the actual town, with the constant ash rain, that eerie siren, the omnipresent fog, the fences and rust.

That's the same as the movie isn't it? They did a great job creating the actual town, with the constant ash rain, that eerie siren, the omnipresent fog, the fences and rust.

Sigh. Yeah. That's what happens when you are a young, inexperienced filmmaker up against studios. No leverage at all. "This doesn't make sense! We need a fully explained rationale for why this town is so creepy!"

Sigh. Yeah. That's what happens when you are a young, inexperienced filmmaker up against studios. No leverage at all. "This doesn't make sense! We need a fully explained rationale for why this town is so creepy!"

Saying 1-3 are classics is obvious. A real man acknowledges 4 as an awesome game!

Saying 1-3 are classics is obvious. A real man acknowledges 4 as an awesome game!

Agree. While 2 is on another plateau than any other horror game, 3 is the only one I dared to own (rather than repeatedly rent because I was too cowardly to play for extended periods. Many of the new areas and enemies were horrifying.

Agree. While 2 is on another plateau than any other horror game, 3 is the only one I dared to own (rather than repeatedly rent because I was too cowardly to play for extended periods. Many of the new areas and enemies were horrifying.

So, is anyone going to explain how reading the fucking book justifies the yellowface? Or are you just gonna leave us hanging?

So, is anyone going to explain how reading the fucking book justifies the yellowface? Or are you just gonna leave us hanging?

They do come off as a bit arrogant, more Lana though, Andy doesn't seem to care. Mainly I think it's that Tasha keeps prodding at the fact that they keep making large-scale sci-fi action movies and yet get frustrated that people don't engage them on intellectual levels.

They do come off as a bit arrogant, more Lana though, Andy doesn't seem to care. Mainly I think it's that Tasha keeps prodding at the fact that they keep making large-scale sci-fi action movies and yet get frustrated that people don't engage them on intellectual levels.

Yeah, what the hell? Is Hitchcock that bizarre looking? That no makeup person can recreate his features? I have been having a terrible internal conflict over who looks less like Hitchcock: Jones or Hopkins.

Yeah, what the hell? Is Hitchcock that bizarre looking? That no makeup person can recreate his features? I have been having a terrible internal conflict over who looks less like Hitchcock: Jones or Hopkins.

@avclub-2d0cca95ad6a2061d208d765e79af478:disqus I'll Like that for giving me an update 4 months later.

You…… you aren't allowed…. you broke it… you broke everything…