
The first and only movie this year that made me run out and see again shortly after the first viewing was COSMOPOLIS. I eagerly await for the home video release to devour it again.

I think Starship Troopers sucks because the satire sucks. It's not done that well, not like Robocop.

I think Starship Troopers sucks because the satire sucks. It's not done that well, not like Robocop.

The Rapture one is pretty weird - but any opinion is valid, even ones that seem to completely miss the point like that. I wouldn't really be interested in that sort of discourse, but isn't that the point of movies? To generate discussion? Who cares if it's whether or not it's pro-fundamentalist? Someone read it as

The Rapture one is pretty weird - but any opinion is valid, even ones that seem to completely miss the point like that. I wouldn't really be interested in that sort of discourse, but isn't that the point of movies? To generate discussion? Who cares if it's whether or not it's pro-fundamentalist? Someone read it as

If it's wrong to watch a movie while I have my laptop open on Facebook and am text messaging my friend in my other hand while eating chips then I don't want to be right!!!!

If it's wrong to watch a movie while I have my laptop open on Facebook and am text messaging my friend in my other hand while eating chips then I don't want to be right!!!!

Yeah I really didn't try - I thought about it, but nope. What's important is the IDEA, DAMMIT

Yeah I really didn't try - I thought about it, but nope. What's important is the IDEA, DAMMIT

Maybe with 3 they'll be reasonably lengthed 90 minute ventures, split three ways? Rather than 2 180 minute monsters.

Maybe with 3 they'll be reasonably lengthed 90 minute ventures, split three ways? Rather than 2 180 minute monsters.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus I believe they have shot the third one already - my understanding was that they had so much footage they realized they could make three movies out of the length of their story.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus I believe they have shot the third one already - my understanding was that they had so much footage they realized they could make three movies out of the length of their story.

please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck

please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck please dont suck

AN XXX Parody? AN?????

AN XXX Parody? AN?????

Eh, @avclub-354d2a6c6dc7c81d151228eb1db371c9:disqus , the movie ending doesn't make all that much sense either. It doesn't really bother making that solid of a case that anyone would believe that Dr. Manhattan would be responsible and the mental blocking to prevent Manhattan from seeing the future is the laziest of

Eh, @avclub-354d2a6c6dc7c81d151228eb1db371c9:disqus , the movie ending doesn't make all that much sense either. It doesn't really bother making that solid of a case that anyone would believe that Dr. Manhattan would be responsible and the mental blocking to prevent Manhattan from seeing the future is the laziest of

@avclub-88c684398fdcd02e0cf958f8ddb068d6:disqus Was going to say this. Wasn't the big thing that 300 is super homoerotic? Or do we just say it appeals to random unappealing groups in an effort to insult fans and boost our self esteem??