
I stay seated and look it up on my laptop. It has access to the internet AND destroys my reproductive organs, you see…

Disney released a new DVD version (of course it wasn't restored) only last year to tie in with the Tim Burton remake. I worked at a video store and watched this all the time. This, Fantasia, and Pinocchio are my favorite Disney movies of Walt's time.

I love when Mulder is watching Max's video in his trailer about how he wants to reveal the truth and finally has the proof he needs. It's really sad because he's already dead, and didn't change anything he wanted to, even though he did know the truth. He's a tragic character and really helps the episodes.

Max is part 2 of this mythology arc and is probably my fav episode of the season. I don't know how others feel about it.

Hey fuck you Commissioner Gordon, now you ruined the surprise! Fucking hack!

Studios at least let things like Dark Knight happen now and again.

wah wah I hate Twitter, the world should know I think Twitter is a waste of time! This is proof! I declare Twitter stupid! Original comment!

Still better than calling them 'joints'

Where is "Rome" on this scale?

I refuse to believe any of this.

I'm really pumped for Hobo With a Shotgun. I had a chance to hang out with Jason Eisener and a couple of the other guys behind the film and its really a labour of love for them, the type of guys who stop in to a movie store and gravitate directly for the dump bin of low-budget 80's horror, this is totally the movie

HipsterDbag, I used to think your name was ironic.

The familiar ending is either

"It's the one that says 'Bad Mother Fucker' on it" - MacBeth

@The UMD - Awesome, The Midnight Sun is also my all time favorite episode. The ending is a bit predictable, but it's so well done.

Afdafdafd - you are just sick. you make me sick. you make my children sick. you make my mother sick. you make the people who cross the street to avoid you sick. you make nathan rabin sick. and you make hitler sick.

America would never openly express feelings of despair over fucking up their empire. It's America! They'll just be bitter as fuck for the rest of existence at China and Russia or whoever becomes more powerful than them.

That picture looks pretty grimy. These kids look like they have heroin addictions, but if that is "emaciated" then I guess I'm just doing the wrong drugs.

My main problem with this show and Kids and shit like that is: who the fuck cares about teenagers and their lives? Why would I want to watch that?

You sound like you've done this before.