
Thing is a show like this you can't separate your political perspective from the content. Like or hate Palin, it's impossible not to judge the show around that.

Exploding Exploding Barrel - I'm talking about the setting not the dev.
Wolfman Johnathan - Never bothered with the sequel, but regardless it was made by different people.
kalimotxo - I don't know. But I think you are right because it was praised for being accurate to London streets but yes driving was awful as well as

Chinatown Wars was R* North and Leeds. Their wiki pages dont show any connection to this game, have any sources?

But really
This game is only published by Rockstar, not developed.

The Future Film That Time Forgot was right. WTF is that movie?!?


Stealth firsties?!


Yeah I emailed their tech people because I keep getting ads pop up over the content on every single page and there is literally no way that can be deliberate. Right?

I really liked how he mentioned how they "want to see what's in our heads so we fight better next time". Very clever and true.

I'm late to the party, been watching these a couple weeks behind and am finally catching up. I'm really glad I did because after seeing just the first three, I was about to give up on the show and focus my attention elsewhere (so much to watch) but decided to come back realizing that shows take more than 4 episodes to

iTunes is great, but they keep packing on features by the truckload and it's starting to get annoying.

Example: Wall-E, lots of kids are afraid of that movie for various reasons or find it too slow to keep them engaged. So, on some level, it fails as a kids movie. But it references Hello Dolly and Chaplin therefore the adults like it.

I'm always confused with animated movie reviews for that reason. They give better reviews to the kids movies that make tons of jokes to the adults, but the ones that make jokes for the kids, you know, the target audience, always get shitty reviews. I mean, I get that the reviewer personally finds it tough to sit

That movie is for old people yo! I saw it at my grandparents house on VHS! The fuck man?

Only 7000 songs? Amateur.

Lost was good at having confidence in it's audience to recognize reveals to questions raised multiple seasons ago, however a lot of the time, especially during Season 6, these reveals were often unrelated to what was going on and felt shoe-horned in just to appease the endlessly whiney fans. Chase and co. decided if

Good point Mustard, he never was a threat to Tony as the other "villains" of the show were, Ralphie's just obnoxious and sociopathic beyond the other sociopaths and Tony's resentment towards him is more out of his disregard and irritation than any sense of real danger.

Yeah exactly. Chase's refusal to satisfy the audience is what makes the show what it is. It also defines exactly why this show could only ever survive on HBO, major networks could never have it. I mean, I love LOST, but if the audience demanded that something be resolved, it would sooner or later be resolved no matter

This is easily the best season. That rascal Ralphie was a good addition because he was a massive pain the ass like Ritchie but he also was more fun and less of a constant drag.