
Blink 182!!!

RIP Drew Carey?

That was the idea, make the second so shitty no matter how mediocre the third one was, it would look god damn terrific next to it.

Guest Star X was indeed awesome. I made sure to see the movie first weekend to avoid anyone spoiling it for me. That's how you get people's asses in seats Hollywood.

Ocean's 12 is the ultimate example of how Soderberg is the ultimate directorial force in the industry. He can take studio money, film goofy nonsense that no one enjoys or can relate to except the people who filmed it, and then not only get to make ANOTHER sequel of free-money-fun-time, he gets to make a 4 hour movie

Let the wild rumpus start!

It's called Karen O and the Kids, and yet, the kids are mysteriously absent from a few songs. How dare she

Ahhh how did I end up at IMDB forums? Where am I? MOM?!

Did no one notice how Sloan was seeing someone. So.. now she's engaged? That's gonna be quite the shocker for this guy getting ready to introduce her to the parents.

Good thing you reached 1 before I got in there, I would have totally been the low point of that list…

Farts are for dutch ovening your girlfriend.