Yeah, I bet he could still hold his own in a high school game.
Yeah, I bet he could still hold his own in a high school game.
OH GREAT, another berth. Just what the Rivers household needs!
In complete honesty it’s because of...
I wonder which Licensed Property No One Asked For a Movie Of trope this is going to eventually go with; Sonic gets sucked into THE REAL WORLD and hijinx ensue, a kid gets sucked into SONIC’S WORLD and wacky adventure ensues, or DELAYED DELAYED DELAYED CANCELED
also can Danny DeVito voice Sonic, since the Pikachu thing…
Keep the jars of pickled eggs and jellied eels dusted. How hard can food safety in the UK be?
I hope you’ve taken time to reflect on your good work.
Mike McCarthy looks like the kind of guy who wears his “fancy” baseball cap to funerals and weddings
Ah yes, brings back memories of my Grampa Al, rest his soul. On prom night, right before I was supposed to pick up my date, I stopped by Grampa and Gramma’s house. Grampa was out in the garden, so I went out to see him, careful where I stepped because I was in my tuxedo. He was in his blue flannel shirt and dirty…
It’s just meteorology, Dom: everyone knows that the East has trouble with westerly wins.
happy holigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays
What if the real monster was the friends we made along the way?
You have to remember to have the passengers turn in their cell phones obvs.
He’s the coach of the Redders now.
Artist rendition of the kid after he was fired:
Washington is prepared to go down with that white boy
Far be it from me to tell you how to respond tom someone like this, but I would go with ‘we have Piñatas full of gravy that we hit with turkey legs’
My worst Thanksgiving beats all of those. [long story explaining how this happened abridged] The food was great but I was seated next to Buckley Carlson. Yes, the brother of Tucker Carlson. Finds out I live in Nevada-asks me immediately about prostitution. His kids were sitting on his other side. His wife or sister in…
That is fucking awesome. She even gets in some meatball football trash talk.
Barely Legolas.
Nazgûls Go Wild!