
If they were committed to changing the culture of harassment and sexism (spoiler alert: they aren’t) at Ubisoft, a 20 year veteran who has almost certainly been indoctrinated into that culture is not the way to do it.

I mean forgetting the issue of gender and nationality, maybe, juuuuust maybe, someone who’s been there 20 years is as entrenched in the toxic work culture as the guy they just canned for that very reason.

EEEENNNGHHH! The correct answer we were looking for was, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. 

A day late to the pile-on, but goddam are you some sorta special stupid.

That there is an ascot, you uncultured philistine!

“What? No!”

Twitter’s mission statement should just be “Sound and fury, signifying nothing”

Nice edgy take and attempt to be counter culture, but holy shit labeling the GotG soundtracks as even remotely Hot Topic-ish is just buffoonish. 

Seriously. The one thing the suits understand is money, so start hitting the company in their bottom line, and MAYBE we’ll actually start to see some accountability here.

And as a minority, the white women in the Jezebel comments shitting on BIPOC are the reason I mostly stick to The Root. There’s always another level.

I think you completely missed the point of Pavlov’s experiment, it sounds like you took Intro to Psych and think one term paper makes you an expert.

At the restaurant I used to manage, I made employees claim at least some cash tips for taxes. I didn’t want to deal with any auditing and figured most of my bozo 18 to early-20 year olds didn’t either.

I like that theory and it explains so much about myself.

Sure absolutely, because you don’t have to watch her streams at all. Hot tub streams can exist and it is actually possible for you to never watch them. Crazy.

I had that happen a lot at the restaurant where I was a FOH manager. Somebody would tell me about an off-menu request I denied, “well last time I was here, so-and-so did that for me.” I absolutely relished those moments, when I could reply “Thank you for bringing that to my attention, I’m the manager and I’ll have to

Well, they actually did, but hey, who needs reading. Maybe don’t sprint to the comments to bitch about sampling and spend 5 minutes ensuring you don’t look like a dumb-dumb.

California also has a timeline to reopen to 100% for businesses, which is June 15th. So without that ammunition, what other ammunition has anyone got to take on Newsom other than “Oh he attended a birthday party during the pandemic?”

Whoa hey what’s all this then...raccoons aren’t rodents, they’re closer to bears. Other than that, could not find any other factual mistakes in this piece. Carry on.

Ah yes, the fabled free market corrections that libertarians are always crowing about.