A Candace Owens tweet about cancel culture run amok in 3...2...
A Candace Owens tweet about cancel culture run amok in 3...2...
Clearly you’ve never been lucky enough to stay in a Trump Hotel.
Well I certainly didn’t wake up expecting to see a reference to the iconic Butthole Surfers’ single “Pepper” in relation to a young actor’s looks.
Stadia being one, what are the other failed projects? I haven’t heard of her since she left Ubisoft so I didn’t even know she was at EA.
Damn, damn, gotDAMN....it’s not as bad as it looks *cough*
I dunno, sometimes being good at things means knowing when what you’re doing just can’t be good.
Ooooh this joke’s got layers.
Well I can at least defend your enjoyment of Boxer because they didn’t write it. Everything else, you’re on your own, friend-o.
At least one, because that’s how I initially read the headline.
Similar maybe, but going purely by the renderings they’re not the same pieces.
That’s what she said?
At this stage in my life (35, so definitely not old but married, with a house and it’s accompanying upkeep, and taxes, etc) I use games as a leisurely escape. With the exception of Darkest Dungeon and Hollow Knight, extreme difficulty settings in games just no longer have any appeal to me. My limited playing time is…
You’re getting lit up, and rightfully so. Not all of us are PC peasants with a one room studio apartment.
Darkest Dungeon is the only game I can say I’ve hate-played. Absolutely infuriating, and stressful, and anytime I get into it I can’t put it down.
Seriously. What if he was 24, worked for a gas station, and didn’t know where he lived? That’s still not grounds for arrest. Those cops are pissing in our eyes and telling us it’s raining.
I’ve got a beard myself, so I can’t throw stones for that particular item. You’ll have to throw for two of us!
I was thinking it was Fury, because the F4 just seemed like one origin/easter egg too far, since they have yet to show up in the MCU.
A whole wall of evidence that he’s a shithead, and you latch onto one tiny little thing, you shithead.
Ughhhhh he’s got the fucking t-shirt/jacket combo going. Playing by the shitty fuckhead book, I see.
Everyone complains about their “arachnophobia” when they see spider pictures. The one thing where I turn into a crotchety old person and shake my cane is when people talk about how scared the spider video or what-have-you that they see online, is.