Almost as cute as Jumping Spiders wearing waterdrop hats! (Yes it’s a thing, that I will not post because nowadays spider pictures are verboten).
Almost as cute as Jumping Spiders wearing waterdrop hats! (Yes it’s a thing, that I will not post because nowadays spider pictures are verboten).
When is somebody gonna invent a body massage machine!?
I love your screen name, very pertinent to the discussion. Being able to avoid dungeon fights in Lufia 2 was fantastic. The overworld, less so.
I love your screen name, very pertinent to the discussion. Being able to avoid dungeon fights in Lufia 2 was fantastic. The overworld, less so.
I played SO MUCH ME3 multiplayer. Hands down the game I played the most online on my 360, even more than Halo: Reach and CoD:MW. Damn shame it’s not returning.
Very good sir, the red or the white.
That monkey would’ve grown up to be Monkey Hitler, so really, in our hearts it’s still a perfect Paragon.
All hail the one true religion!
“Many spreadsheets were deleted, to get us this information.”
I hope he finds permanent housing, in the form of rent and utilities that he needs to work two minimum wage jobs just to afford, living paycheck to paycheck and hoping he never gets a serious illness that’ll end up bankrupting him.
Ironically enough, the 1st amendment that everyone was screaming about after the Jan 6th Insurrection Attempt is what they’re attempting to curtail here, except it’s ok now cuz it’s only minority folk rights.
I think that guy was referencing some claim of Giuliani’s that somebody hacked a machine in a presser or some other nonsense. I can’t remember the details, there was SO MUCH bullshit being thrown around since the election.
The GC version was better (IMO) and I would give my right foot for a Switch remaster.
Get a brian, morans!
Hey now! As a Chicano in California, send this gringo to Nebraska or Bama, we don’t want him.
Get outta here with your facts, your real world experience and technical knowledge, what is this, a reasoned discussion!?
I just restarted Skyrim before New Years Eve. I didn’t want to do anything on New Years other than play, but noooooo, the wife wanted to hang out.
Hades is great, and I’m not a rogue-like fan. Mario Odyssey is also fun, if a bit easy.
The irony of her retweeting “The President reinstates Death by Firing Squad , Guess What the US penalty for Treason Is ? DEATH BY FIRING SQUAD ! 2+2=4 last I checked” is unfortunately going to be lost on her.