
Well clearly you’re just not using enough Objectivism!

“I get that it’s a memetic thing...”

Having worked in restaurants for years, I have always told my staff that if they can’t leave their home life behind and be friendly, nice, and polite to the hundred people they interact with each day, they’re not in the right business. Naturally there are exceptions, like personal tragedy, schools finals, etc, but

Hey I lived in San Luis Obispo for 13 years, and still live 20 miles away, and let me tell you, it’s a Warriors town now.

I was explaining to a (former) friend of mine that a new law in California, which opponents have been painting as allowing unrestricted pedophilia without consequences, is actually a little more nuanced than that and tried to explain some of the finer points. Her comeback was to label me a pedophile and to say I

Designs of the human navy in Halo are practically Colonial Marines 2.0. Grounded but more refined.

White folk figured out racism!

And the music references.

Oh no, you sweet summer’s hoping you don’t get buried under an avalanche of responses letting you know to finish your reading before commenting.

You still probably died less than you would’ve sober.

I understand your position, and agree that Ellis licks goats. In the past I’ve been able to no longer support creators/artists who came out as being utter dogshit (Kevin Spacey, Johnny Depp, Bryan Singer, etc), but Nextwave was one of my favorite comics and I just can’t cut ties that easily.

Or Philip Rivers.

No mention of Gnarly Head?!

That’s some Nextwave level of insanity.

If I could rent half a house in downtown SLO on barely above minimum wage until 2018, then an office making city average should have zero issue renting unless they’re appallingly bad with money. Also, low crime rate has zero correlation with anything to do with police. Nationally, the rate of police officers per 1,000

I lived in SLO for 13 years, and live two towns over, and knowing those incompetent POS police, they absolutely would’ve gone ham on the passenger if they could pull their handguns without shooting themselves in the feet (lest you think I exaggerate, our chief of police found herself in hot water after leaving her

This is my hometown, San LUIS Obispo, and knowing the people who’ve organized the cruise nights, and many people who participate, I’m amazed this hasn’t happened sooner.

Well I believe I’ll vote for a third party!

Oh almost certainly, my response after the game was “YOU’RE WELCOME AMERICA.” It was pretty much a certainty that after all the news articles about the fail Mary, the NFL was gonna do whatever it could to avoid any more mocking press.