Goddamit I had just about mentally scarred over that Green Bay-Seattle MNF game. It’s all just rushing back to me now.
Goddamit I had just about mentally scarred over that Green Bay-Seattle MNF game. It’s all just rushing back to me now.
If they really wanted you to treat them like family, you could tell drunk Uncle Boss to quit emailing while he’s sundowning.
Oh man, it’s a good thing Kinja only allows stars and not face-palms.
I can play Okami on pretty much anything now, too.
My wife is constantly annoyed when I tell her we’re low on dog fud (pronounced fudd) even though I’ve shown her the cat fud strip and it’s goddam hilarious.
Every once in awhile I click an article on the right when the headline intrigues me, and when I realize it was for Deadspin I think, “SHIT! I just contributed to their visitor count!”
Tri-tip is fantastic with a simple rub and when it’s perfectly cooked, but there’s the problem: it’s really easy to overcook, and a lot of people don’t take the time to learn how to do it right.
Cuz she’s from the streets, maaaaaaaan.
I noticed you had to clean the floors quite a bit due to debris and whatnot from each step. Do you need to clean before cutting and in between for crack repair?
Awww man, now you’re really starting to make me miss my old Schwinn Varsity. 1967, bright yellow accented by all black accessories, nothing special, heavy as hell, but my first real project bike and I ended up not buying a car and commuting to work for 5 years because of that bad boy. Sadly, I got dinged by a car one…
While I prefer subtitles, my wife’s second language is English, so if a dub option exists, we go for it. Dubs are not useless.
Do you think this show is mean-spirited? I mean, you have to have some method of elimination, so that can’t be it. The announcer can be a little snarky but overall he’s not really belittling anyone. Heck, my friends let their 4 year old watch it because it’s just so innocuous. The ones you mentioned, I’ve never…
Changing Fort Lee to Fort Davis is just *chef’s kiss*
We should also name something in The South after General Sherman, if it hasn’t already been done.
This is going to come out not as well written, and I hope my point comes across without offending, so here goes:
I feel like trans people are, right now, at the point of media representation where I was a couple decades ago as a Mexican-American. You see people on-screen who share a commonality with you, but they’re…
Ah the Cool District, right next to Radical Park and Righteous Expressway.
Trump’s already taken it, straight to his eyeballs.
I love the style of the set design here, and the Animated Series from the 90s definitely wore its influence on its sleeve. The design in Dark City also seems to be a less cartoonish version of Burton’s Gotham, a little more noir than Gothic but still full of grime and steam. Keaton’s Batman would be right at home…
Ironically the Spartans would’ve thrown him off a cliff.
That movie is a damn near perfect parody of Westerns, with a hilarious skewering of racism ,and deserves to be in the Library of Congress.