Oh hell yea, that’s the good shit right there.
Oh hell yea, that’s the good shit right there.
I’m a very light skinned Chicano in a conservative rural town in California. The shit people say to me about the Mexican population here, thinking they’re in a safe space with someone “like them,” is enraging and the first few times it happened, eye opening. Accidentally putting your foot in your mouth is one thing,…
Huh well you learn something new every day. I like his stuff, you don’t see many cooler climate varietals here, it gets way too hot in the summer. It’s a shame your trips got cancelled/pushed back too, the wineries around here are fantastic, and tourism is a huge part of our local economy. I was interviewing at a…
You can do blow off a stripper’s ass at 3am and champion “moral family values” at 3pm.
That’s such bullshit. You think football stars never grew up poor or as victims of racism and systemic oppression? If the topic is racism and police brutality and fear of not coming home after a traffic stop, I’ll listen to the person who has lived that life, philosophy degree or no. What you’re doing is just shutting…
Cancel culture is as stupid a term as SJW before it. It’s putting your money your mouth is, and letting other people know of a company’s stance so that other people can do the same. It’s a boycott, which if memory serves, is what all these disingenously shitty fucking racist nerds, who worship at the altar of Ayn Rand…
That one also might be a little off. I only say that because Indigene, while getting a lot of its grapes from Carmel Valley, is less than a mile from my house in Paso Robles, a couple hours south.
They reunited in 07 at Coachella and there wasn’t that much of an outcry that I remember. Although the internet was a different beast back then.
I am a big fan of stand-up, and I enjoy Gaffigan, having listened to most of his albums....I was actually pretty surprised at his tweet, I’m pretty damn liberal and I never really could tell where he stood. That being said, I never read his tweets/watched his show/really heard him talk other than his specials.
At this point they’re Grumbling Forcefully Against the Machine.
He just wants you to appreciate some good old fashioned irony!
Hey you leave Def Leppard out of this!
A) That other car moved over, there was plenty of room for the Tesla to shift lanes.
I remember reading about it, and the researchers who discovered the behavior were surprised by it because A) they had thought the great whites were an apex predator; b) the way the orcas hunted the sharks was unique to that pod where they would flip the shark, causing it to become immobile and slowly drown, and then…
There should be an addendum or asterisk on the 2nd Amendment: “But only if you’re white.” White people crowds with guns get away with so much stupid posturing and (quite frankly probably tiny) dick swinging that would get any minority crowd teargassed AT BEST.
I never did trust that old blue bastard!
Yea Sinclair was not shy about his political leanings and the book veered wildly into them. Funnily enough, if I remember right, he was excommunicated from the Socialist part for being not socialist enough.
Lord take this cup from me.
I’ve contemplated going on Turnip Exchange, and then I realize that means people possibly coming over to my island, and that gives me the cold sweats. Please don’t tell anyone how I live.
Not sure how. Aren’t these updates essentially DLC that is only contingent on the in-system clock to trigger once you’ve gotten the update?