
I don’t know how it is where you live, but where I’m at people are 100% still going out to do stuff in social settings. For a restaurant that’s already struggling, telling the people that come in, hey we’re not doing any actual service tonight but you can have a doggy bag, that’s inevitably going to drop their margins

You’re stopping in a place for dinner before going somewhere else that doesn’t allow food inside.

But enough about Rick and Morty fans, AYOOOOOO!

You could train some FOH staff to deliver, as a way of keeping their job while in-house service slows down.

Take out only is absolutely not an option. There are still people that will want to go out and eat and don’t have the ability to take food to go.

This is our collective punishment for the hubris of Spanfeller. We should have cast him down when we had the chance!

I had an easier time accepting Italy quarantining entire geographic regions than I did with the NBA (one of the Big 3 pro leagues in the USA and one of the biggest sports leagues in the world), saying hold up, let’s be safe about this.

You only wish you had.

While I understand the premise, I’m curious as to how EA’s contract defines sim-like. Can we get the Niners-Chiefs Super Bowl rematch, just not with the actual players? Or with the actual players, but Mahomes lights on fire if you throw for 4 touchdown passes?

I’m a very light-colored Mexican-American man, and I live in a very conservative, rural town. The shit people say to me about immigrants/Latinos, thinking that they’ve got a sympathetic (white) ear, is blood-boiling. I’m actually sadly shocked we haven’t had a hate crime here just yet.

I mean, better than a live-action reenactment of “Marriage Story,” amirite?

Venmo is the same way, you can do private transactions and I have mine linked to my bank account. It’s more a preference thing at this point, most cash apps are pretty interchangeable.

I work at a concert venue. Due to the musical taste of our booking guy, the two most common genres we book are jam bands and reggae bands. I’ve come to appreciate reggae, which I used to not like. So I can honestly say, because I’ve had experienced a representative sample size, I do not like jam bands. But I won’t

As someone on the outside, they’re ALL correct....jam bands are shitty and horrible.

Stick to spr0ts!

As a Green Bay/OG Star Wars fan, I choose CHEESE AND THE FORCE, OR DEATH!

Every non-corporate restaurant should offer a shift drink to their BOH staff as standard practice. It costs almost nothing to keep your kitchen happy. Hell, I made sure my staff always asked if the cooks wanted water or tea or soda while they were on the line and that alone helped everyone feel some sorta team

Every Breath You Take as well as Young Girl are the two songs my buddy and I reference when people say that music used to be more wholesome. They both give me the willies.

I was on the restaurant side of UberEats, and same thing. The cut Uber took from orders made it worthless to continue, as we essentially made $0 per meal to go after factoring in labor and such on top of what they took.

Since when is queer synonymous with FAAAAABULOUUUUUS?