
Only if you call the menu the purchase order.

Pfft you can get pregnant with just 5%.

No they have just managed to hide their racism much better so that everyone thinks they’re a much more progressive society.

It blew my mind when someone (possibly in a Kinja comment) pointed out that Pepe Silva from the mailroom conspiracy theory scene was just Charlie’s mangled reading of Pennsylvania in the addresses.

Reading comprehension died a long and slow death, but it took its last gasp on December 19th, 2019, 11:37am when Stiegosaurus misconstrued the meaning of “surprise” to mean “important highlights in the entire industry.” Reading comprehension is survived by its son, skimming the article, and grandchildren, tl;dr and

Cho-ree-so if you’re south of the border or cho-ree-tho if you’re in Barthelona.

I mean....after giving your notice like that, sharing shifts with your boss is gonna be just a little awkward.


Bad NON-SOCIALIST business.

Oh if only....

That was absolutely inspired.

That was absolutely inspired.

Yodle is the name for Yoda/Yaddle slash fic.

Growing up my brother and I would go through 3-4 gallons of milk a week, and as an adult I realize now that my parents held jobs mostly because their sons were full-blown addicts.

This is 20,000 leagues below a well.

I typically have 80s music like The Cars playing, because according to my totally scientific theory, you can have the volume lower and still hear music from that genre as actual music due to it being mid-range, neither too much bass nor too much treble. Drives me crazy when I’m anyplace with music playing and all I

The single worst employee I have, in regards to attendance, is also my oldest employee at 48. My partying employees are generally much more reliable since they need the money. Hell, if they don’t come in they at least always get their shift covered whereas Old Man Employee can’t even bother to let me know he’s not

That almost seems like embellishment on the letter writer’s part, no good bartender will admit to their product not being good. I tell my staff that they can empathize with customers, but at no point are they to admit to doing things wrong, that’s for me as the manager to do and take responsibility for.

There’s nothing cool about road rage.