
Thanks.  I appreciate that. 

Thanks. I spent the last few days not even on this site after this conversation, but yeah toward the end it became clearly he was being purposely obtuse and I needed to exit the conversation.

I watched the interview. Meghan and Harry said they wanted to step back but not leave the royal family (they did not name check Andrews’ daughter but it was clear they were talking about taking on a minor royal role), but given the lack of protection from racist press coverage they thought they should do that in

They are not facing on your street violence. The attempted kidnapping of Princess Anne happened in front of Buckingham Palace. Kim Kardashian was kidnapped in a five star Paris Hotel. General crime statistics affecting poorer communities in countries really mean nothing when talking about this kind of targeted

Eugenia can get a job and in fact is expected to have one.  Until Harry and Meghan stepped down from being senior royals they were expected to not have outside job since being a senior royal is a fulltime “job.”  So they stepped away and are now being crucified. It reeks when you compare it to the treatment of other

Lol. I love it when foreigners tell me how dangerous my country is. You all have Nazis in the royal family. One of the more racists things I have experienced in my life is when I went to Europe and told everyone I was from LA and they asked me if my life was in danger all of the time because it is gang infested. Sound

Beatrice and Eugenia had security until they were adults. Charles said he wanted the trimmed down royal family to be him and his sons and their families. That would include Archie no? Unlike Beatrice and Eugenia or other royals who could get jobs to pay for their security how would Archie pay for his? How would his

Again you are conflating issues. Meghan may have conflated in the interview whether he had to be a prince to have security, but she was fairly clear that the directive was no title and no security. Harry seemed to corroborated the decision not to give Archie security and the security they lost when they moved to

You seem to be conflating some issues. So just to set straight what I got from the interview. The concerns about security began when Meghan was pregnant, i.e. when they were senior working royals. (My understanding is being a senior working royal is a full time job, no? You all wouldn’t say it would be distasteful to

Yeah. The only specific allegation I have ever seen was the allegation that she sent an email at 5 am, but even that allegation is not specific. Was it a onetime thing? Was it a frequent occurrence? Was she shooting off ideas and expected a response when the work day began? Did she insist that everyone be on call

I’m in the same boat as Saeed. I knew the interview was happening. I wasn’t planning on watching it live, probably would not have watched the whole thing at all and caught the highlights the next day. But now I’m invested and will be scheduling my Sunday night viewing around it. The tea must be piping hot for them to

THIS: “It is also important to note the very long history of white people seeing just about any criticism from Black women as aggressive or “bullying.”” It is why I have a hard time taking it the bullying criticism seriously. Creating a hostile work environment is not okay but there is a big difference from creating a

I’ve read this read and I’m still unsure of what you mean when you say the allegations may be true, meaning the complaints were filled? I don’t think anyone is doubting the complaints were filled. But as a black woman who has spent my whole professional life being called angry or difficult for being direct and

They have been criticized for having zero black members. Their lack of diversity in membership is directly linked to abysmal nominations and lack of diversity in nominations. (For example leaving out I May Destroy You, cast of Bridgeton, etc.). I don’t think you can get systematic change and get ride of white

So that presupposes only white people are foreigners. Last I checked there are whole continents full of countries with people of color. I’m sure they even have journalists too. Diversifying their membership would be a sign of systemic change. The kind of thing that endures beyond this moment of pressure and makes sure

You seem to be very proud not to know a lot about them, and yet you are writing a lot of posts about their lives. They are doing the interview because they want to. They left Britain because of the British press, and obviously not because they want to become utter recluses.

Ugh. Giving a few trophies is not talking the talk. (Also, isn’t the phrase talk the talk and walk the walk? Suggesting actual action.) The complaint as it is in lots of areas of American life is not superficial representation but a real seat at the decision making table.  Until they actually change their membership,

So my husband works industry adjacent, they not only aren’t paid but often put in their own funds to put on the show.  I know that is true for the Weeknd, who put in significant funds to put on the show. 

Adding to the chorus below. As someone said, reproductive justice and choice is about the choice to have children when and if you want to, as well as the choice not to have children. We should not be shaming each other for our choices. The pandemic has been going on for a year now and even with the vaccine most

I had the opposite experience. My release from the hospital was delayed because my daughter had not wet her diaper and I had to wait half the day for the lactation consultant to come by to make sure there wasn’t a problem with her latch and that she was properly feeding.  I then had someone come by when I came home.